well i went to the hematologist today because i broke my tooth and it was infected last week. He spoke with my drs and i have to go friday to have it pulled. I have to use amicar to control bleeding. If hopefully, all goes well. They recommend i get them all pulled ( a few at a time) and dentures, because every time i get gum treatments i bleed terrible and now i have a lot of none loss. Im scared. Anyone have encouraging words?
Extractions and dentures: well i went... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Extractions and dentures

Oops i meant bone loss
I had a tooth extracted and had to bite on a cotton pad thing. Try not to worry as you have the Haematologist and Doctors on your side and they wound not do it they were concerned about you bleeding.
Good luck, will be thinking of you
Hi,I can sympathize with what you are having to go through. I have had years of problems with my teeth,and have spent thousands of pounds on dental treatment,crowns,bridges etc.Due to the seizures which i have in my sleep i would grind my teeth so badly that i have cracked and split my roots,and have recently had my top set of teeth removed and that was over 6 weeks ago.
my gums have only just started to calm down,and the temporary denture which cost over £200 is of no use at the moment as my gums are still very swollen.I will be having a permanent denture which will cost around £500 at some stage.if i where you then i would go for dentures and get all the imput from your hematologist,and your doctor,and if you are under a rheumatologist then get there imput too,and of coarse make sure your dentist is up to speed with your condition.
Good luck,and i hope you get some answers your looking for.
Take care
I hope all goes well on Friday I'll be thinking of you. I've got to have a tooth taken out on Tuesday and was worrying as its the first one since I started taking warfarin. My haematologist went on about a bridging routine and having heparin injections instead. so I talked to my GP and the Dentist and all they want me to do is have an inr test Friday and seem unfazed by it all.
Try and relax I know, its not easy - I always tell them I'm terrified
Good luck and I hope you heal quickly
Thank you all so much. My docs are all on board, and i knew i was headed down this road. Im relieved in some way because i finally found a surgeon whose willing. My hurdle is i have to have all my teeth out because the blood disorder is ruining my gums and bone tissue. If i dont do it now i will never be able to get dentures :0. Im trying to be brave
My sister doesn't have Hughes but she lost all her teeth due to gum disease from glandular fever when she was 14. (She is 57). She had a bone graft and then an upper denture fitted then the lower one a couple of years later- not sure how that one works. But she manages fine.
I have had APs since 1995 and had all teeth removed in 2006. Had to go on Lovenox for the procedure, but all went well. Feel great, and am sure you will do well too!!! Good luck!!!
Thank you all for your encouragement. I was supposed to have this starting tomorrow but now i have to wait until wednesday because my primary dentist has to see me first and do the referral!
I'm living with a plate at the moment as I had a tooth pulled last year, not unlike yourself, I got an infection after it broke, and as per usual all the fuss over warfarin and bleeding, and as I'm terrified of the dentist I demanded sedation....long story short, my gum took 4 mths to recover, and has shrunk really badly, my plate is only a temp thing, but was told to live with it for 6 mths, so due a visit to the dentist next month. I find my plate really uncomfortable, and it has moved all of my teeth ( what I have left, after years of dental problems!) Sx
im sorry That has to be rough swx3. Where is your plate, top or bottom? Is it partial? Im scared, yet i cant go on like this either because periodontal work is a joke as i bleed something awful plus i already have bone loss
It's a partial top plate, I feel as though it is pushing on my teeth all the time. I was asked if I wanted implants, but declined as I was told it would cost a min of £2000!!!!
Unlike the old days when you had to think about being an inpatient for an extraction, many dentists, in hospital settings especially, seem quite happy to extract so long as your INR is not much above 3.0. It has been achievable for me as I self test. The last few I have had to have done before full anesthetics have been no problem. I hope yours go well too.