Hi , i'm new to this site and was wonder if anybody has uncontrolable mostly arms but also my legs lately , I only get this at night and usually within 45 to 60 mins of sleeping.they wake me up and can last up to just a couple of mins to about 15 mins or more they are sarting to really freak me out !!
I'm fully aware of them i also wake my husband because he ends up getting in the cross fire. After they jerk i get horriable cramp like pains and soreness in my muscle,
i went to my doctor who refered me to a neurolgist ( she said they sound like i'm having night time seizures0 i dont see him till Dec 22.
i have had them over the last 20 yrs but never to this level before also my left side of body from my face down my leg are weak feeling almost always but more under stress. I've been under alot of stress since the first of nov my brother passed away from lung cancer, another brother is in late stage colon cancer and just 3weeks ago my sister has been dx with non hodkins( she has started her 2 nd round of chemo) My husband says I'm under alot of stress with whats going on lately and feels thats why they are happening almost every night now and more pronounsed then before..
Sorry so long thought if i gave some info of whats going on would help
Oh I'm only on a full aspirin have had a blood clot in left eye, ms symptoms,mri should lesions one dr thought maybe small stokes another said ms and yet another said old age!!9 i was 49 at the time ) was dx about 4 yrs maybe longer with hughes /( symptoms of lupus no dx 0 and just dx with sorgrens ( sorry about spelling)
thanks for any replies , Sandy