but have it longer this time, was wondering if coldness has anything to do with it, as was in a cold area on sunday and it started that night? take painkillers and attach hot water bottle to back of head that seems to ease it.. any other suggestions?
getting stabbing pains at back right ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
getting stabbing pains at back right side of head, have had them for 3 days now on and off, some more severe than others,

Hi there, you know yourself and what is normal for you, more than any... if this does not go away, a quick trip to the GP might be in order. I have had migraines of late and similar pains... it turned out to be a virus... but still worth checking out if not settling down. Hope you feel better soon. Mary F x
Thanks guys, nearly gone today only had 1 bout of it, but if it continues I will check it out, funny thing been to doctor for yearly check up and all fine, few wks ago...but will keep an eye on it.. thanks again..
Make sure your not having a TIA I get stabbing pains in the right side of my head it normally means I am having a TIA
Ditto KarenOR's post for me -- if I get such a pain it means another TIA which means my INR is too low or I have been sitting or laying in a manner which constricts blood flow. I have become obsessive about my bed pillows -- they must be a certain softness, a certain height, or the next day I am apt to get such pains. I am so obsessive that unless the trip involves commercial travel I bring my pillows with me for overnight trips! My hematologist thinks I'm crazy, but . . . it works for me. If my pillow obsession is a placebo effect -- so be it!
hi Blondediver,
I had that before I started Warfarin. It was a TIA or microclot. Are you taking Warfarin already?
Take care
No I am not taking warfarin, TIA is like a mini stroke yea? I don't think its that, just a severe stab of a pain then it goes,,, hasn't fully gone yet still getting an odd one but very mild pain..
what i talk about, if you have APS of course, is a severe sudden pain at the back or at one side of the head. It takes perhaps 2 minutes or even less. For me it was microclots, some of us have it with this illness.
I also get this.... not told my GP though, didn't really think anything of it other than poss neuralgia. Sometimes it's a few times in a day and sometimes a couple of days. I tend to take more aspirin when it happens - also thought maybe it's connected with my migraines.
I don't have migranes... think its an neuralgia thing,,, if I go from heat to cold which I did if kicks in,,,, gone now but you do wonder why and how it happens... thanks everyone for feedback.....