Hello well yesterday all day at hospital having scan on arm where discovered a clot have to up the warfarin, they say must have happended when warfarin inr levels were low two weeks ago. Does anyone know if other medication is used?

Hi there, sorry to hear about your plight with the recent event. I believe other members have additional medication on top of the wafarin, for situations such as this - they will give you more detailed answers shortly, as I am only an aspirin girl! Hope you get better soon. Mary F x
I have clotted in the past whilst taking Warfarin. Now when INR levels dip even slightly below target levels I take Heparin injections, which I keep at home for this purpose. At least you have a reason for the clot and can therefore hopefully prevent any more. Hope you feel better soon. xxx Jan.
Hi there
Sorry to hear of your clot Despite warfarin, hope its sorted soon! For me , my target INR is 3-4 however, if I drop to 3 or below, I also inject fragmin until INR back into range. It might be an idea to talk with your haematologist or other specialist to see if it might be appropriate treatment for you
Take care keep well
Hi Daisy
In 2006 I had a clot in my right hip even though I was on Warfarin with an INR or around 4.0.
I used to inject fragmin when my INR fell below 3,3 but now I'm on Fragmin the whole time, so fingers crossed.
Best wishes.
Hi Daisy,
Sorry to hear you are having problems and hope you feel better soon. I have had clots in left arm whilst injecting Tinzaparin so now I inject Clexane which is supposed to be better but more expensive. I also take Asprin. Clexane injection were doubled after clotting on Tinzaparin.
Please may I ask what symptoms you suffereed for them to scan your arm? I am having a lot of problems with the same arm that previously clotted but no scan yet.
Best Wishes
hello dawn
I just started to get a real heaviness and then a lump appeared above elbow and then the pain came down into hands, it willbe my third scan tomorrow. I was told firstly it was a clot and then 2 days later it had disappeared but there was alot of build up of fluid which they said was blood. They said it was because my inr had dropped hence clot and then it went sky high. I am having warfarin and clexane as the last few days it has been 2.4 whereas I have to be 4.0 Hard work!!
I had multiple TIAs whilst my INR was above 3.0, (3.3 I think. My target was raised (3.8-4.0) and I also have Fragmin to use if it falls below 3 . Otherwise for coagulation it's just warfarin.