Is it common to have weak nails when ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Is it common to have weak nails when you are on clexane injection?
I cannot say about being on clexane but i can say that my nails have been week since i can remeber sorry not being much help hopefully one of the other guys will help
Hi Clare
sorry hon not on clexane at the moment. Can't recall what nails were like. hopefully someone else will help.
Think its weird cos my nails really strong when i feel s###!! And break and get weak when feelin better, maybe cos do bit more when feelin ok.
I hope you feelin ok today
take care gentle hugs jessielou xxxx
Dont know if you also have thyroid issues but thats what usually causes nail issues. If you take Vit D that will improve your nails. As has been discussed in another thread this morning a lot of people are deficient in this Vit, so perhaps ask your Doc for a test to see if you are too.
I have clexane when pregnant and it's never bothered my nails x
My nails are fine too.
You could ask your pharmacist to recommend a multivitamin and mineral supplement which would not interact with warfarin. Wearing rubber gloves when cleaning and doing washing up really helps too. I was getting a bit of a problem with nails on my dominant hand last year and as soon as I started with the gloves they recovered.