Hi Everyone... This isn't particularly APS related but needed a vent lol.... Sooo, as some of you know we have had a dodgy history with being pregnant and only earlier this year lost a baby at 14 weeks (our 7th loss) thanks to APS.... Well i found out I was pregnant again at the start of this month but it hasn't been an easy few weeks... I started the new medical plan as discussed at St Marys as soon as I got my +ve result (Clexane, Asprin and Steriods) and was booked in for a 6 week scan to make sure i wasn't ectopic (as apparently i'm higher risk now due to number of pregnancies)... So on the 13th of Sept I went for my 6 week scan not overly confident as i'd had some spotting and low and behold i was only showing as being about 5 weeks preg (only yolk sac visable) so was told to go back 10 days later.... Yesterday I went for my rescan. This showed a 6 week 2 day pregnancy with a heartbeat seen.... Now to my maths and knowing when the said event happened I am a week out.... I should be 7+ weeks now but am not.... My hubby (aka mr positive) is doing and saying all the right things and trying to keep my spirits up but i'm really not very optimistic that this pregnancy will continue.... I have now been discharged from the early pregnancy assessment clinic as they are happy there is a viable pregnancy which means i now have to wait 3 weeks till i go to my fetal maternal medicine appointment to see if its grown or is still behind for dates (unless its ends before then)..... I'm trying to stay very matter of fact about it and am trying not to get attached after the number we have lost but i just long so for this 2nd miracle and would really like to put an end to the pregnancy chapter of my life and get on with living.....
If anyone has any similar experiences I would love to hear about them.... And would be greatful for some positive vibes being sent my way xxxxx
Hugs Kate xxxx