Hi Mary,
Following the weekend and your request for a certain button, please find your wish granted and attached - have a lovely and healthy week
Hi Mary,
Following the weekend and your request for a certain button, please find your wish granted and attached - have a lovely and healthy week
Ah lovely.. yes perhaps a G & T button next, thanks xxx
Ha ha great! Can I have one for Baileys please?!! X
I'm having a cuppa right now, as I'm getting almost constant 'funny turns' for the last week or so. I will also have a beer this evening and liver & bacon for dinner, as I can eat liver now I'm on Fragmin and off Warfarin, as I don't have to worry about Vit K anymore, yipeeee.
Best wishes.
Well, bad news guys' I can give you all the drinks, ie cider, G&T, Beer, LIver and Bacon etc etc, but can't do it on the same blog, has to be a new blog each time and although fun, not sure if ok - Dave great about the liver, although have to say I allow myself it every month or so, and spinnach or greens once a week too. Sorry to hear you are feeling rough though, get well soon, and all the best
Smiles everyone
Just when I was getting all enthusiastic about a champers button darlings ha ha
Hope you improve soon Dave. I get funny turns as well. Had to be retrieved by the police the other week.
Not all bad they were young and drop dead gorgeous!
I miss the taste of liver. Enjoy! Sorry about the return of the funny turns.