My hematologist has disappeared, and I need someone who 1) believes I have APS (!) and 2) can deal with the increased pain, etc. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Doctors in Vancouver, BC?: My... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Doctors in Vancouver, BC?
Hi there, I am sure somebody will be able to help you with this, and lots of members plus the charity itself may have some information. I shall have a bit of a look myself and see if I can find anything. Mary F
so far this has popped up in my internet search. There is a contact for Quebec at the bottom left: You may get something nearer by contacting them! Hope this is helpful. More responses will come in for you.
Hi - my wife has (C)APS - we live in Ontario, Canada... in Southern Ontario there are some good doc's that know about APS... I know of someone in Edmonton that says she has had good luck with doc's there... but be carefull - some are behind on detection knoldge... or old forms of treatment... there are some that are really good - I hope you find someone in BC that can help you
Thanks everyone: I have a list now; but you are so right, Skylark. One of the people listed on the APS website is the person who told me I didn't have it after I was diagnosed with it in 1997. (!) The blood tests are tricky and it's been frustrating since my original hematologist went into...politics!! I would, however be interested in the Edmonton contact as well as my family is there and we visit bi-annually. Thank God for this group...will start trying to get into the Vancouver list...minis the 'world renowned hematologist', Dr. Vickers. Who, incidentally, (after I had 4 miscarriages, then diagnosed and then had a live birth with Heparin and aspirin) and told me it was just a 'fluke' and I didn't have APS. No matter, if it wasn't for this site I might have believed her but migraines, joint pains, etc. are real.