INR levels and emotions do very stron... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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INR levels and emotions do very strong emotions have an affect on Ur blood INR

SoulRebel-APS profile image
•13 Replies

Soul Rebel here, hope everyone is doing ok 👍🏻

Just wondering if anyone has noticed a connection between intense, prolonged emotional stress, such as the passing of your most treasured friend, and APS patients blood or increased stroke risk? I’m sure it plays a roll in strokes but does it actually affect our blood INR levels?

I would appreciate anyone’s thoughts on this:

Thank you

Soul Rebel

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13 Replies
jetjetjet profile image

Hi - I am an extremely Hyper person - with Many health issue s- My INR has in the last 10 years NEVER been stable - i know for fact that if something really is effecting my mental state , what ever it may be CAN and DOES effect my INR. I have a history of huge jumps in INR results, I have gone from a 2.4 on Tuesday to a 9.2 or 9.1 on following Friday . This is the largest jump it has taken . I also must add that I take many medications for my 25 Diagnosed medical problems. SO my answer to this is a definitely " YES " it will and does .My INR has always been a problem with me being very erratic . I test my INR every three days because of just this - NOW we don't most always change my Jantoven strength as the warfarin three day 1/2 life.BUT making sure that i am not dropping way to much OR shooting up out of site is for my safety.AT times i test more frequently if the situation dictates . MY set range by my hemo is 2.5 to 3.5 . Hope this is of help - I am here if you have any questions - I might also add that i am an APS triple positive Primary male . My heavy hitter doctors and specialists {ones i see- weekly and monthly } labelled me a Medical enigma . At the end of my medical summary report of my 25 Dia. problems it states " A Medical complex Patient ,see attached pages } it then goes into detail .. Best to you .

C & J

SoulRebel-APS profile image
SoulRebel-APS in reply to jetjetjet

Thank you. I to am triple positive APS primary plus I have additional clotting disorders and dna mutation all causing clotting. I also had two holes n my heart that where facilitating clots going straight to my brain. My dr just look at me, shake their head and ask how I am alive. I tell them I have kids to raise and bills to pay! Lol they like that. I’m a freak of nature but that’s ok with me. Thank u for ur input as I two have never been stable and with INR graffes always show up down, up down and so on. Lol fun fun fun

Holley profile image
Holley in reply to SoulRebel-APS

Your comment about "raising your kids & paying your bills" struck a chord with me. I was at my nephrology appt on Friday. At the previous appt, I had brought my 8 yr old son with me. My nephrologist said, "Your attitude is great, I don't think you realize how sick you really are. Last time you came in with your son, you were just like a normal mom. I don't know how you do it." I responded with "I could choose to be sad and angry but at the end of the day, I still have all of this shit wrong with me. I'm a big believer in the mind-body connection. I take a lickin' and keep on tickin'." I also ask myself if there's anything I can do about whatever ailment is bothering me at the moment, if not I put that thought to the back of my mind.

I too have had a hard time regulating my INR.

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to SoulRebel-APS

YES the gift that keeps on giving -- At what age bracket are you . ?If you don't mind - and at what age diagnosed. - I am 65 in Nov. this year and anniversary for the first clots found was 9-1-09 both lungs -[r] loaded clusters of clots -[L} lung clot across the whole bottom of lung - following day -groin [L] leg - neck and area's in neck that were questionable at that time .

SoulRebel-APS profile image
SoulRebel-APS in reply to jetjetjet

I am 48 my symptoms started in 1994 with the migraine type headaches and visual disturbances. Then by 1997 I was having chronic severe headache that lasted up to 8 days straight. I was constantly taking every headache pill I could find, even thought nothing helped I kept trying as at the time my youngest was about 3 my oldest n kindergarten and my mom had cancer. I had two jobs but no insurance so I didn’t see a dr. In 2002 I had embolism in my right lung that went unheeded. I should have died but my body closed of about 2/3 rds of my right lung. Again I was working two jobs but didn’t miss an hour of work. I was finally diagnosed in 2009 after getting Ins and spending 4 yrs seeing dr’s trying to find out what was wrong. It never occurred to me that it would be something like this I just figured if they figured it out they could give me some medicine and I would be ok. Boy was I wrong! Lol. Sorry Jetjetjet, way more info then u asked for.

I really like what u told the dr. I also tell dr’s and family that ask how I do it. I tell them I could laugh or cry but crying just gives u a headache! My other saying is that when I get worse and they can’t help me u and the new prob is staying is I deal with it, then I adjust and move on as best I can.

Have a great one. I hope u are getting along well or at least ok.

Thank u for ur response

Jmiller623 profile image

Hi Soul Rebel. I’d imagine that stress would cause cortisol levels to rise making you more susceptible to a hypercoaguable state. Simply stated it wouldn’t surprise me if you needed more warfarin during times of stress and less right after a stressful incident. I’d guess the stress would have to be consistent over the course of weeks to sustain variability in INR. You could try to alter your diet - less leafy greens/vit K/ascorbic acid - but I think this a patch and unwise.

In APS, stress and emotion can certainly worsen symptoms but I can’t find any reports of alterations in INR. Maybe one solution is to find a counselor to help with coping strategies so as to not worsen symptoms/risks? Not a psychiatrist but a psychologist or LCSW. I find talking it out very helpful.

So sorry to hear of your troubles and loss. I do hope better times are ahead for you!

SoulRebel-APS profile image
SoulRebel-APS in reply to Jmiller623

Thank you. I lost my dearest friend yesterday after spending three days knowing she was going to die. I am forever broken. Though I know as time passes I will have better days and good days but never one where I don’t remember her just hopefully I can remember good things and good times. But will be sometime before I can really get back into what little bit of a life I have. I spent the last 2 yrs taking care of her as she was struck with insulin resistant diabetes and probably one or two undiagnosed issues. She fought the fight. She was strong. My husband and adult children will all feel the giant whole n our hearts for a time.

Thank u everyone, for ur input and for letting me express my utter heart break and sadness.

Soul Rebel

Jmiller623 profile image
Jmiller623 in reply to SoulRebel-APS

I am so sorry. As someone who deals with death and the dying on almost a daily basis, find comfort in knowing that your loved one died peacefully surrounded by the people he/she loved. Dying with dignity is all any of us can hope for. Again, sorry for your loss. Time heals all. Many hugs. ❤️

MaryF profile image
MaryFAdministrator in reply to SoulRebel-APS

Please take the greatest of care to look after yourself at such a difficult time. I think any condition can be worsened by stress, so I hope you have friends and family around you, and that things will heal over time. MaryF

HollyHeski profile image

I'm not on warfarin but can tell you my blood thickens when under stress- also found this article

HollyHeski profile image

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SoulRebel-APS profile image

Thank you everybody! I have had the same blood thinning issues with stress so I’m glade it wasn’t just n my head.

Many many thanks to all that replied

KellyInTexas profile image

I have read that stress increases inflammation levels- and Holly’s response that it raises cortisol levels makes perfect sense.

I have found that my Antibodies seem to have a mind of their own and do as they please.

I decided to run my own small little experiment with my own body. When I’ve been at my worst- ask for the draw. Low or negative have sometimes been results.

At my very best- have need moderate high!

I’ve found no correlation in my own particular body.

Next question... what is the lag time? That I’m not sure about. That is the question.

I’m so sorry about your friend. That’s devastating.

( sorry, JMiller’s response regarding cortisol..- Holly’s link.)

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