I have Antihphorpholipid syndrome, only diagnosed last year, but after Years of silently suffering because of ignorance of so meny doctors. My symptoms have got a very lot worse rapidly. I have had a stroke, a leg DVT, I have the brain fog, the I forgot.i forgot part of this I wanted to writeChest pains, breathing rapid,heartbeat, seeing zig zags,blurred vision,temp loss eye sight, dizzy like walking drunk,fatigue unbelievable,hot sweats, slurring, shivers,swallowing problems, weight lose because it hurts after I eat and a lot more, my INR IS never stable, I am treated with warfarin and injections every night, and HYdroxychloroquine 200mg. I have suffered of the scale kidney pain, admitted spent 5 days in hospital,p this month then no stones in scan go away! I’m convinced blood clot.
I broke my left humerus in December it needed surgery, the surgeon refused to operate, he just saw STROKE. so my arm is smashed to bits, I have the X-rays to prove it, it’s not even inline to heal, my shoulder is dislocated, they will not even put it back in place, to even help the pain. and I live on MORPHINE. My work is about to sack me for being off too long, yes they can. I have the union involved, they can sack you even with a doctors sicknesses certificate . My hair, well, I’m female, falling out, gone thin, white.And I cannot put a bobble in my hair on my own, I cannot dress or shower on my own. My SSP RAN OUT, Yes, I have always worked in the UK, paid my taxes, so after SSP, THEY allow you ESA. £72 ish a week. My food, housing, you know in the real world...mortgage,water, electric, gas, green bin fee for actually re-cycling compost.taxes,prescriptions, dental. If I had never never studied hard to get a job, paid my way, saved hard to get a house of my own, still paying a £700 mortgage. After suffering Domestic Violence, from a serving member of the RAF. AFTER me having to put and help my 3 daughters through all of this. This is what I GET.
I CANT EVEN GET A INR SELF TEST MACHINE SO I CAN STOP THE HOUR LONG WALK TO THE DOCTORS EACH DAY AND BACK. SOME DAYS, I cannot move, I pain, it hurts, some days, I don’t eat...because I cannot move to get a drink or food. Most of the time I cannot get to the shop to buy food, and to try and lift , carry.... it feels like I have done a marathon. My family do not understand.
You think I’m joking? It’s unbelievable