Hi! Anyone with APS taking the drug Lupron Depot to treat their endometriosis/adenomyosis. I would like to know your personal experience as my obgyn has recommended the drug for this purpose.
Hi! Anyone with APS taking the drug Lupron Depot to treat their endometriosis/adenomyosis. I would like to know your personal experience as my obgyn has recommended the drug for this purpose.
I have no experience of using this drug, however your Hughes Syndrome/APS specialist must be in the loop with this as well as your obstetric/Gyn, it is important that they talk to each other rather than treat you separately. MaryF
Lupron depot is usually advised for endometriosis rather than adenomyosis.
Have a look at the following website for info:
They say that you must not use the "add-back Lupron depot" if you have any form of clotting disorder.
My gynae only recommended an Oral progesterone contraceptive or Mirena coil as being safe for APS patients with adenomyosis this month. (yes I have it too) or of course a hysterectomy (which has its own risks esp, if you are on warfarin.
You need to discuss this with your APS consultant first.
Hope this helps
Hi, have you since taken the Lupron shot? Did you experience any side effects? Thanks
Hi! After doing some research I decided not take take the Lupron shots, and the Merina coil was definitely not an option as I had one previously inserted and it migrated and punctured my cervix and had to have it surgically removed. Therefore I decided to have the Endometrial Ablation procedure. I had the procedure done under general anesthetic in October and it has so far reduced my period significantly. It took a bit longer than expected to recover from the surgery - light bleeding and cramping for three weeks - then an bright yellow discharged - but it eventually stopped. My period is more of a 'regular' period now after the procedure. I sure hope it remains as such up until menopause.
Thank you. I'm also scheduled for an ablation, endo excision and tubal removal. My doc wants to give me Lupron after surgery too. I guess I'll have to do more research into why. I tried an IUD and progesterone and my body reacted poorly. I'm happy to hear the ablation worked for you!