Old study - but new to me. I have high Prothrombin Fragment 1+2. It means I live in a hypercoaguable state. Both APS and also Factor V Leiden can cause high Prothrombin Fragment 1+2. This study shows how low dose aspirin and low dose aspirin plus warafin reduce Prothrombin Fragment 1+2 in people with antiphospholipid syndrome and how such a reduction has a significant impact on decreasing thrombosis and miscarriage.
That's great news to me. That means there is a test besides INR that will tell me that I am in the right zone. In this study, they mention a high value being a different measurement than here in the United States. So for those in the U.S., make sure to do the calculation to convert that figure.
It's definitely worth reading the full Abstract and also the Discussion.
Study: Prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 measures treatment effect in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome.