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clexane and warfarin

daisy11 profile image
14 Replies

Hello, I went for my usual test yesterday it it is 2.4 so on Clexane, was told to take this if it falls below 3 also I take Warfarin. I thought my INR low as feeling dizzy - last week got to 3.5 - brilliant - and now low - is there anyone else on this as well?

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daisy11 profile image
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14 Replies
jessielou profile image

Hi daisy

I don't have clexane at the moment but have in the past. Quite a few members do, either on its own or with other anticoagulants ie warfarin. Clexane is used to give added protection when inr too low.

I'm sure others will be along with more information for you.

Hope your inr settles soon hon, its a nightmare when it's yo-yoing, know how you feel.

Take care gentle hugs love sheena xxxxx :-) :-) :-)

daisy11 profile image

Thank you - it is good to know there are people in similiar situation.

Mystynzl profile image


Im on Clexane twice a day and warfrin as well.

The clexane does not affect your INR results...clexane is used to thin the blood. Warfarin is used to change the clotting time of your blood. I am happy to have both....hope this helps


daisy11 profile image
daisy11 in reply to Mystynzl


Thank you so much for replying. Gosh It gets confusing!!!! Had APS for years and because it is getting problematic finding out alot more. When do you take your Clexane? I have started 40mg once a day in addition to Warfarin.

Whilst on here, where do you get the sharps boxes from, the pharmacy says ask doctor and then I phone the doctor and they say phone this particular number etc etc. My daughter has Methatrexate and the rheum nurse gives her the boxes but its like getting blood out of a stone trying to get a box for myself. When I was on Clexane last year I was so out of it after having an operation that it was the district nurse and then she told hubby not really suppose to give them to us.

Ansie profile image
Ansie in reply to Mystynzl


Should my INR still be 2.5 with warfarin and clexane ? With the dialysis they use clexane but my INR is as low as 1.1 ?? I am concern about this and nobody there can tell me what it should be. Sometimes with some sessions my heart is beating very slow as 34 & 45 pulse rate, because of INR too low?

I am very concern about this because I had a mitral valve replacement 34years ago and use warfarin since 1981


lucky1 profile image

clexane and warfarin work on different parts of the clotting cascade as a result they can complement each other.

A stable INR is all about consistency. But that is consistency in everything you do.

A good habit to get into is to log your dose when you take it (includes amount). Doing this every time you take the meds creates consistency and a narrow window within which you take your meds (I set a daily alarm on my mobile) Have you ever taken your meds with dinner and a little while later perhaps on an add break you head to take your meds again not realising you have already taken them, The log book lets you know that you have taken them and prevents a double dose, also if you get to the log book and you are a day behind you know you missed the previous nights dose. Also important because it will create a dip in yout INR.

History of the log will show how small dose changes have an effect. I will not intentionally miss a dose. My log history is for every dose and amount of dose for the past 12 and a half years - a powerful tool in discussions with a doctor.

simply kept in a spreadsheet.

When you test your INR you should also test it at a common time of the day every test, this is a benchmark for when you take it at another time of the day. Testing morning , noon and night will all have different results, a dose change against a morning result and a late afternoon result isnt always recommended and many doctors dont understand.

What you eat and when you eat will also affect how your body metabilises warfarin. Meals taken regularly around the same times also helps. Dietry intake also needs to be consistent. You should be aware of the vitamin K.

Sounds like a lot to remember but it is all about a routine. When in a routine it all becomes normal.

Extremes in weather can also have an affect of levels.

When I have an INR that is close to or out of range I dont change my meds but test again from a few days to a week apart and if the range is still out of whack then consider what dose change is needed. I have a good rapport with my GP and make my own dose changes as required (but also not often) advising my GP of what I have done. Again presenting a hardcopy of the spreadsheet helps him see the pattern.

My theraputic INR is 3.0 - 4.0 testing usually every two weeks. Changes can happen quickly and testing regularly allows you to catch them before they get too far out.



I was on warfarin only for years but my INR was unstable - i had a self test kit but still couldn't get it to calm down. after my second trip to intensive care I asked for an alternative and they put me on Clexane. I am on 40mg once a day and it is such a relief not to have to worry about my INR any more.

good luck


Jade profile image

I have fragmin to use if my INR falls below 3.0 I wish I could stop that happening. I take my dose every morning with breakfast. I was fairly stable for about 7 years but now, I believe menopause related it is all over the place. I am now testing every day as mine can fall for no reason at least 0.4 over night and I often end up under 3.0. I know broccoli drops it by 0.4. . If I test and get 3.2 I can take 5mg if it is 3.0 I need to take 6mg under 3.0 7mg or 8mg. it's like a game. I asked to go on heparin only to be stable but was told no. So I am stuck.

daisy11 profile image

When do you take clexane? morning or evening as tend to take everything at night as the Heptologist said try taking in evening as when I was taking lots of medication first thing, made me ill.

Having trouble now getting Clexane - as ST T prescribed it but because of this GP reluctant to do so. So now have to check with the Haem here and see if they will prescribe - one thing after another

Storky profile image

I was on warfarin but because my INR was so unstable and issues with coag clinic being so unhelpful I was put on Fragmin. Whilst on the warfarin I was told it should be taken in the evening around 6-7pm. Something to do with the way the blood works and the INR levels rise and fall.

Doing Heparin injections is not that great. I bruise easily and they hurt, there is no denying that. Finding an area that has not bruised becomes difficult at times and I think you also become quite sensitive so they hurt more too. I have started injecting the tops of my thighs after St T's took one look at my tummy and told me I needed to do it. But they hurt if you hit the wrong spot.

So frankly there is no easy ride whichever way you go. I have got to the stage where every night I look at the needle and think would it hurt to miss it for just one night but then have to grit my teeth and do it. I don't think people quite understand that relentless plod and the thought of inflicting yourself with pain when you are already hurting anyway.

As for cost and getting the injections - If the consultant at St T writes to your GP and says thats what you need to be on then they have no choice but to prescribe it. I had that issue but as soon as they received the letter it was put on my repeat list.

It makes me laugh when they argue about giving you a medication that is keeping you alive - as if I like sticking needles in myself ever day!

daisy11 profile image

Thank you for replying. Like yourself, I am bruising, my tummy is mass of bruises and so will start on the old thighs. Like you when I had hep last year, it got to the point, where I thought here we go - it is painful. Do you attend St T every now and again and remain at local hospital. or are you in London? I use to live in London and took St T for granted, at the time saw a professor cranston and so on, and now it is a 3 hour journey by train.

margaretjo profile image

I also have clexane if my INR falls below 3.0 and am also on warfrin. When im on the inject5ions i have my INR checked regulary

daisy11 profile image

THANK YOU - do you get the usual symptoms of low INR and high INR? i.e dizziness, tightness in head etc?

I wish I could get it just right. When I am feeling great its lovely and then spirals down. I try to take all of my medications at night time, including Warfarin and Clexane as find that some medicines made me dizzy anyhow. How long do you take Clexane for? Do you take until next test. My next test is next Monday.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Sue63 profile image

Hi this is a regular occurance for me if INR is 3 or below I am on clexanne until INR is high enough, it is painful and difficult when you are on the injections for a long time. Take care and all the best.

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