Blood draw: Last Friday I went to have... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Blood draw

mully profile image
8 Replies

Last Friday I went to have blood drawn at The GP practice with the Health care assistant (my annual stroke reveiw ) She tried 3 times on each arm and couldn't get any blood So she rearranged an appointment with a different health care assistant for Tuesday, She also attempted 3 times on each arm and on the last attempt managed to get the sample It was painless and no swelling, on the following day I had pain from my armpit to my wrist nothing to see no bruising So I presumed it was nerve pain which kept me awake fortunately it was better the next day (Thursday ) However today It has been 3 days since I had the blood taken I went for a shower and had terrible pain drying my armpit and when I looked at my arm there was a long thin bruise along the whole length of the blood vessel from my wrist to under my armpit Although I feel much better I have a temperature and some mild soreness in my armpit It was too late for a Drs appointment (cant make an appoint after 12pm) The queue at the local walk in center was 4 and half hours. After being triaged by the Nurse she asked me to stay and see the Dr but said most likely He'll send you to casualty we have been told not to visit casualty unless your dying as it is on red alert So I made the decision to leave as I didnt want to wait 4 hours to see the Dr then spend the entire night waiting to be seen in casualty I really don't know if this is urgent or not Surely I can't have a DVT when my INR is 3.4 perfectly in range? my armpit only hurts if I touch it and the rest of my arm isn't painful anymore Probably a bit late to ask but do you think I made the right decision to leave? One last thing I will say however is the health care assistant used the same needle to go into my arm on 6 different attempts didn't wear gloves nor did she use an alcohol wipe!

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mully profile image
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8 Replies
Greenmil3 profile image

hi I would suggest either early trip to A&E or at least call 111 I agree not likely to be clot probably extensive bleeds / bruising from all the attempts. Can you get future bloods done by a phlebotomist rather the a Health care assistant as it appears problem veins.

Vailea profile image
Vailea in reply to Greenmil3

I’d be very concerned not only about the repeated attempts with the same needle but with the outcome of not getting blood on 6 attempts . I don’t know if they have a policy on not wearing gloves but it’s not best practice at all. A more senior Nurse / phlebotomist should be called and informed . . You could have developed sepsis from this .

MaryF profile image

Hi you certainly need a check up and if visible symptoms still there take some photographs or get somebody to help you do that, as this is always useful in a situation like that to go along with talking through your symptoms. MaryF

GinaD profile image

There is definitely something fishy going on in your arm. And yes, a bad stick ca cause a clot. Some 50 years ago when I was getting daily pricks because my then doctor suspected " a lupus -like ailment exacerbating your pneumonia," Carol, the locally famously effective phlebotomist told me " Now for the rest of your life, if you are going to be stuck by a health care person who is new to you, always say " Carol at General says ' .they roll.'" I now say that to every newbie and al, my sticks go just fine. I recall once as a teen at a hospital ER an EMT was having his once yearly on site review training. He tried repeatedly to stick me but each painful stick did NOT result in blood flowing into the vial. Finally, after a good dozen tries, I lied:"They're calling for you to come to the front desk. I'll wait here while you see what they want." Then while he was out of the room I stuck myself and filled the vial. Do your veins also roll? But yes, I agree, your symptoms should be evaluated! Please! And let us know how things go. We all care for each other on this site.

KateEsq profile image

I'd be concerned as well. It could bcobe a bleed or a result of the many pokes. I'd also be concerned about infection. A new needle should be used for each poke and the area should be swabbed with alcohol prior to being stuck, and the phlebotamist should be wearing gloves. That's a huge health concern and worthy of a complaint no matter what happens with your arm. I hope you get some help and answers soon, and I hope it's something that is not worrying.

Piscesdreamer profile image

I would suggest you go to the ER and rule out a blood infection. Any red line that grows towards a lymphnode or heart should be evaluated asap.

mully profile image

Hi Thank you all very much I'm feeling much better today but I will contact the Dr on Monday and explain what happened as I have another blood test in a week and really don't want the same problem again I have photo's I don't have the courage to complain and drop her in it! As I have to see them far too often and the Dr's seem to be quite evil to them to be honest I'm thinking probably with good cause There's a massive turnover of staff and the atmosphere is not good

GillyA profile image

Hi Mully, I do agree with others that you should get things checked out, even if just for peace of mind. I’m ’a difficult stick’ too (I spent an hour stuck in an MRI once as they couldn’t get the cannula in and had to call the duty anaesthetist down).

These days I always tell them beforehand, and if they can’t get in after a couple of goes I ask for the duty vampire, there’s normally one around. Telling them beforehand normally means that if they aren’t confident they normally go and find someone else, although occasionally they see it as a challenge. It would be nice if it was easy when you have a heme problem.

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