Anyone feel fatigued at times? - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Anyone feel fatigued at times?

Christopher_O profile image
10 Replies

There times when I feel fine and feel like being active. But, more often than not, I feel run down, sluggish. So much to the point that it is affecting my workplace performance.

Can frequent fatigue be a part of APS?

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Christopher_O profile image
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10 Replies
jetjetjet profile image

hi chris - i would say absolutely- me being of a hyper state all my life so far[ wired for 220] i can get up in morning and feel on top of the world, only 2 hours later have no energy or drive in me at all- my aps with my other blood disorders can run me down , my rheumy said to me i dont know how you function . but i try ,to keep up beat - yes most definitely, it can take the wind out of your sails!!-----------jet

MaryF profile image

I would honestly say... that we are all tired of feeling so tired... it goes with this condition and other associated things in the autoimmune spectrum. I have to pace myself in all activites, work, social the whole shop! M

paddyandlin profile image

Hi Christopher,

As Mary and Jet have said Fatigue is one of the major symptoms a lot of APS patients talk about and it can effect from just a slight tiredness to walking like a zombie and really there is no cure people who take warfarin and Plaquinal have said theuy have seen an improvement but no cure. I did post an article on another post but have posted below for you the main help is to manage the fatigue rather than cure it.

Treatments for Fatigue:

Obviously, the most effective treatment for fatigue is treating the root cause. However, there are a number of nutritional strategies, lifestyle changes and supplements that have proven effective in reviving energy and combating fatigue even in situations where the cause is chronic and can’t be immediately alleviated.

Because proper nutrition is so important to your body’s functioning, particularly when essential nutrients are being depleted by an illness, many doctors recommend a nutritional supplement that contains a full complement of B-complex vitamins (including folic acid, niacin and thiamine) to help your body deal with the added stresses.

Drink plenty of water. Marginal dehydration can cause fatigue as your body doesn’t have enough of one of its most essential nutrients.

Your body uses iron to create hemoglobin, needed to transport oxygen to all of your muscles and organs. Subclinical deficiencies of iron can result in nagging fatigue even when anemia has not been diagnosed. Many doctors recommend an iron supplement to combat and prevent fatigue.

Manganese is necessary for your body to properly use the iron you take in. In many cases of fatigue, there’s plenty of iron in the diet, but a manganese deficiency prevents the body from using it as needed.

Siberian ginseng is the one of the most commonly prescribed herbal supplements for increasing energy. Siberian ginseng stimulates the adrenal glands, resulting in an increase of stress-fighting and energizing hormones.

Bee Pollen and royal jelly, two bee products, have been used for centuries to boost energy and combat fatigue. Chemical analyses of bee pollen show that bee pollen contains all the essential nutrients to sustain human life.

Doctors often recommend a change in diet and lifestyle to help boost energy and combat fatigue. The sun, fresh air and a nutritionally sound diet can go a long way in alleviating fatigue, whether it is due to illness, treatment for another condition or depression.

The latest fad in combating daily fatigue is the co-called ‘high energy’ drinks that contain ginseng, B complex vitamins, green tea – and a lot of sugar. The practice is akin to grabbing a cup of coffee or a couple of caffeine tablets to get you through the mid-afternoon slump. While the short-term effect is a noticeable increase in energy levels, in the long term, the energy drinks will play havoc with your body’s natural response to fatigue. Instead, we recommend taking a daily supplement like Xtend-Life’s Natural Energy with New Zealand Bee Pollen to help maintain your levels of important hormones and enzymes consistently and stop fatigue before it starts rather than ‘boosting’ your body out of a fatigued state once those nutrients are depleted


Had to laugh at this because I spent nearly all day in bed yesterday, just totally exhausted. Got up this morning about 0930 and still haven't the energy to do anything meaningful. Have done pitiful chores around the house and managed to walk outside to bring out the compost, filled the dishwasher and now debating if I want to sort and wash the laundry..... Maybe another day!!!

Earlier in the week I was fine...

I thought that when I left working night shift as a nurse in a busy ED (A&E), that my energy would be back on track and I would feel less knackered all the time. Well I have regained a little energy, but not a lot. Some days are way better than others.

I try to work around it, but sometimes its hard. There are 15 things I should be doing today!!

paddyandlin profile image
paddyandlin in reply to

I am glad made you laugh it is really strange people have symptoms like complete lack of strength while others find doing excersies help. Hope you feel better soon and ready to to a run round the UK


taffydaffy profile image


when you have a chronic condition like this you can get what's called Anemia of Inflamation or Anemia of Chronic Disease I have this and it floors me my blood doctor gave me 6 mths of Iron tabs x 3 a day 6 months on and I am still waiting for any energy the Doc also said this illness is to new not enough is known about it and when he was in medical school no one knew about it the cure for this Anemia is to cure the illness so I live in hope x

MaryH profile image

Hi there, One of the main features of APS seems to to be this fatigue. Like the others here it comes and goes. Some days rock botton and other days I can manage to do things I want to do. Remember to use energy conservation; keep things that you need to make a drink for example, near to you on the work tops, try not to go backwards and forwards all the time when doing a simple task. I know it means untidy work surfaces but it has to be. If you are upstairs make sure that the jobs you can do are done together so that you can conserve what energy you have. On the days that you are totally whacked, rest and let your body heal. The article above sounds excellent and I know my daughter who has hypo-thyroidism and is coeliac is unable to store iron, her red platelets are small and she also is tired all the time. So iron is the answer and eating foods high in iron will help. I know I am one of the lucky ones because I am now retired and do not have to prove myself in the workplace. Make sure that the other staff know about APS and just what it can do to you. Much love MaryH xxx

tassie profile image

I have the energy sapping fatigue all the time, some days or hours more than others.

If changing your diet and you are on warfarin please check that any new foods, herbs or medications don't interact as many things that you wouldn't imagine interact do.

Gadgets profile image

Hi Christopher

YES welcome to our world, fatigue is still the one big one to cure.... Warfarin helps along with Plaquenil but once your body has used up all its reserves fighting the fatigue you will probably feel fatigued. I can go many days working hard then that horrid cold feeling creeps up on me and I know I have to rest up as much as I can.

You will know when you have overdone things!

Enjoy the good times, but remember it will get you back if you do not rest!



tim47 profile image

Yep. Can drive to the shops and come home within an hour and be ready to spend the rest of the day in bed. Do have a number of good days as well though, especially when the sun is shining. I've learned to settle for this as its so much better than the alternative. ;-)

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