I have worked since I was 15, 30 years and since being diagnosed 16 years ago have managed to remain in full time employment as a field manager for a well known retail company. My job can be stressful and is very target focussed. It hasn't been without its troubles as with my memory I find it difficult to digest the amount of information received on a daily basis, but I have my own technics and ways to help with this as best I can! I am not the best time keeper, always feel like I'm on catch up all the time. Despite these setbacks, I work extremly hard, long hours and always score very highly year in and year out - in fact last year was top of my region! During my career i have achieved many awards and goals that i am very proud of. I love working, and though it can be hard at times, I honestly believe it has had more benefits to my health than setbacks.
Couple of years ago a new line Manager was appointed, and in 30 years of employment I have never been so unhappy I have worked for many different managers and different styles.
Following time off work following a flare up (must add - I have not had much time off work) his whole attitude has changed towards me, he makes remarks such as "should I be working with my condition?"and many similar remarks - he puts me on performance action plans without justifications, he undermines me and belittles me in front of other team members, to the point that some other colleagues are now joining in and I'm made to feel like a joke! My Manager tells me that people say I am scatty! There are too many things to list!
I decided a couple of months ago to file a grievance against this Manager, which was not successful, even though another one of my team members has had to move regions and also put in a grievance against the same Manager for bullying & harrassment - we both have our appeals coming up.
I have never felt so low & alone, I have always been highly respected at work - how can one person have done this??
I made a choice 16 years to continue work and feel I will probably have to leave, NOT because of my capabilities as I know I am an assett to the company and achieving good results!
Sorry this is so long! I just needed to get if of my chest and was interested to know if anyone else had experienced anything similar?
xxxx xxxx