Skipped beats: Iv posted a lot recently... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Skipped beats

AWhittaker profile image
26 Replies

Iv posted a lot recently about my story since joing in February I am very grateful for everyone who's shared there stories and experiences and advise it's been nice to know I'm not alone in all of this.

I wanted to put together where I am from the start to see if anybody else experienced similar situation to me......

I'm 33 year old famale living in greater Manchester

I started waking up with heart palpitations (high resting heart rate) once or twice over the past 6 months

I put it down to hungover from drinking that weekend

I recently got married in Dec 2023 and came off the contraception after 15 years being on it different ones as well

My palpitations got worst around mid February

Felt this overly worried concern and sickness from googling what could be wrong with me

So I end up in A&E several times in February

Relvent blood tests done, loads of ECG's, & chest X-ray all fine doctor at Oldham said

Doctor suggested propranolol 10mg (when required) to help calm my heart rate down

My GP told me I need to get my anxiety under control could be playing a part.

Referred me for cardiologist anyways and also 24hr ECG monitor as I was still concerned

Then I started with palpitations mid march (skipped beats) which I noticed me when eating or anxious.

These skipped beats was also picked up on a Kardia EKG which may have added to my anxiety

Went back to A&E did more test all fine

Doctor changed me to Bisoprolol 2.5mg

Worked better than propranolol however bisoprolol stopped me from sleeping.

I got fed up of waiting so I paid for 48hr ECG & echocardiogram from vista health

I was worried about my plumbing of my heart.

My GP told me to come off ame off bisoprolol as I wasn't sleeping well

And GP said this will give me best results for the 48hr ECG monitor a true reflection of number of skipped beats

Results all come back as normal with no heart disease/failure or structurally fault from my echocardiogram

However I am sill waiting on the results for 48 ECG for the electrical side.

I'm still not taking bisoprolol at the moment

but I do occasionally get skipped beats still.

I'm scared of taking bisoprolol again beause I don't want to not sleep

I do think getting enough sleep helps keep skipped beats at bay

But im scared if I don't take bisoprolol again overtime something bad will happen to me.

Has anybody else gone through similar story to me?

Thanks for taking the time to read.


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AWhittaker profile image
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26 Replies
Sennen1982 profile image

HiIv had skipped beats for around 20 years.

They come and go. I can get them every other beat for hours on end. I get bad bouts of them every 2 to 3 months lasting just over 20 days.

Iv had echo's, monitors, and other tests, all come back normal other than getting missed beats. Iv just had a 7 day tape to capture the ones I get for a prolonged period, and awaiting results.

So far cardiologists have just said they are a nuisance amd nothing to worry about however it's dosnt stop me worrying about them when I get them, even after all this time. I'm hoping to get an ablation as they have monitored quite a lot this time.

Anxiety makes them worse and if I go through a stressful event that can bring them on too.

Always get them checked out though even if for reassurance.

I take 2.5 bisoporlol daily but I don't think it helps when I get them bad.

Iv been very lucky with the cardiologists iv been under the care of.

I find if I distract myself, ie hobby they usually calm down.

I was told not to drink alcohol, eat chocolate or drink coffee or smoke.

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toSennen1982

Oh god she 20 years that's a long time. Each person's story I read a lot of people having them for many many years so that does pressure me that I'm not alone.

But your right getting checked out is always best. It's just a shame you can't get checked out quickly and have to go seeking it privately.

Your right anxiety I have noticed plays a part also I have noticed when I eat high meals with salt or carbohydrates it brings them on more?

I have completely cut out caffeine (tea) chocolate, do occasionally have dark chocolate and alcohol completely for 3 months and iv never smoked anyways.

I think breathing excerises help as well sometimes.

Did you find bisoprolol stopped you sleeping? I definitely claimed my heart rate down but as for the skipped beats I don't think it helped at all. I think if anything beta blockers made it worst or brought mine on I used to take propranolol before for my anxiety but the skipped beats started not long after taking propranolol.

Have you always been on bisoprolol?

That's good your tests have come back normal, I'm like you though waiting on my 48hr ECG thing from vista health I'm hoping they caught something on it so they can finally tell me if it's skipped beats or somthing more so I'm patiently waiting for them results.

Thanks for you story.

Sennen1982 profile image
Sennen1982 in reply toAWhittaker

Iv been on bisoporlol for around 5 years. My cardiologist was reluctant to put me on meds to be fair. I think once your body gets uses to them the side effects do get better. I too find after eating can bring them on. The problem is I'm so tuned into them when I get them I'm sure it just makes them worse.

So hope you are given the all clear and maybe that will give you reassurance and they will get better.

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toSennen1982

Ohh so your body will be really adjusted to them wont they. I didn't even give bisoprolol a full two weeks before stopping it advised my GP of course.Then before that I was on propranolol 10mg which was horrible it just gave me the worst headache and foggness worked for my anxiety though but I didn't have skipped beats when I started propranolol it was more for the high heart rate and anxiety.

I'll still say it but can never prove it but I am a big believe these beta blockers coursed my skipped beats either that or I always had them but the anxiety just made them come out more so I notice them more now either way I don't remember feeling them before mid February this year which I know was very lucky if I did have them but didn't notice them till now.

Your like me I'm so in tuned when I feel one I'm then sat there for the whole night thinking about when my next one will be but then some days are better than others I guess we've just gotta take them good days haven't we.

Thank you, I really appreciate your advise and your experience. Best wishes to you.

Sennen1982 profile image
Sennen1982 in reply toAWhittaker

My cardiologist said everyone gets them, some feel them some don't.Yes your right as soon as you feel them you do wait for the next ones.

You will get better days.

Best wishes

Siforce71 profile image

Hi there,

They are horrible little buggers aren’t they, I suffer too and have for sometime now, the trouble is once you notice them it’s hard to ignore them, anxiety definitely doesn’t help either plus throwing in poor sleep as well.

I’m on Antenonlol which has less blood brain cross over which is better for sleep plus they are more cardio selective.

Possibly suggest to your GP if you can try these.

Kind Regards,


AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toSiforce71

Do you find you have days without them at all? Like feel like 2 or 3 all day?Is atenolol the same as propranolol?

I know it's finding the best one for you isn't it. I haven't take beta blockers since 7th of this month as I wanted to get a true reflection for the 48hr ECG thing and Echocardiogram Iv still got them in the draw just in case I start but iv been really trying to relax take time out to not be stressed and anxious about them which had helped massively so your right.

It's hard some of them are not triggered but most of the time they are. It's training your brain that vagus nerve isn't it and making sure all your electrolytes are balanced also. :)

Thanks for the advise

Siforce71 profile image
Siforce71 in reply toAWhittaker

Hi again,

Antenolol is a beta blocker which is the same as Propranolol with the exception that Antenolol is more cardio selective and doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier like Propranolol does which is why they can affect your sleep pattern.

I’ve been on Propranolol and yes it did affect my sleep.

I do suffer from health anxiety and I also have a Hiatus Hernia both have an impact on skipped beats, flutters and pauses and sleep!!!!

It’s all a vicious cycle , as soon as you get skipped beats you over focus too much on them and your heart then it triggers your anxiety which then speeds up your heart then you can’t sleep!, what a wonderful combination.🙄

Some days I can go without having an episode then there are days they plague me,

Sometimes I feel a flutter in my chest,even when I’m relaxed,

The ones I hate the most is the ones that catch my breath and make me cough.

The Antenolol definitely helps though and keeps me more relaxed with fewer episodes than I had before, they haven’t gone but they are a lot better than before.

Kind Regards,


Ppiman profile image

Well, for certain, fatigue can cause missed beats, and those easily cause sometimes severe anxiety so there’s a potential vicious circle there.

Ectopic beats likely originate in the atrium although they can be from anywhere in the heart. They are deemed “benign” as they won’t lead to a stroke or heart failure. They are hard to ignore for sure, well, impossible really, but worrying over them will diminish your quality of life and do so for no gain only loss, and for no real reason. The years will go by and you won’t be any different yet you could be worrying needlessly about harmless palpitations.

Your GP sounds a good one and it’s right that you need to try to relax more, perhaps it will help to look back on life and realise that these aren’t harming you now nor will in the future. They just might - but are very unlikely - to develop into anything else (AF for example).

A good way to lead life is to sleep well, eat well, stay a normal weight, walk or exercise daily including some uphill walking, avoid sleep apnoea, and - perhaps above so else - try hard to keep blood pressure and sugar levels normal.

I wish I slept well and didn’t have ectopic beats - but there we are. Some people are lucky, some draw a short straw. We’re sort of in between!


AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toPpiman

Iv noticed when I haven't slept well I get more skipped beats yeah. Which makes sense as I think more fatigue just adds to them.

Oh I didn't know they originate from the artrium. I wish they designed a machine where they could see the heart from like an ultra sound and when the skipped beats happened you could see where the electrical beats came from or started.

Iv heard without having ablation on your heart which iv seen an heard from people's story's they won't just give you one unless the skipped beats become more than 5% or 10% of your heart beats that's the only way they see the PVC's or PACs and where they are in the electrical part of our hearts.

It's interesting we can see the plumbing side but when it comes to electrical we're not quiet fully there yet.

Yeah I think your right my GP's know more than I ever will when it comes to this but I guess you always put yourself in the box "what if" which I know anxiety adds and plays a part in that making it worst.

The only thing id say on that list off list changes is I'm slightly overweight by a stone give or take. So I am doing everything to lose weight but change my life style everything else you've mentioned I really lucky to have handled them well.

Do you not sleep well in general? Has it always been a problem? Do you have sleep apnoea?

Your definitely right I should be great full I guess I just always feel I'm alone and it's just me experiencing it as none of my friends or family don't have them.

Thanks for you story. :D

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toAWhittaker

Feeling alone at times is a part of different illnesses for many people, I expect. I don’t have sleep apnoea, no. That list was what I’ve gleaned from various studies over time.

The key things to care are high blood pressure and diabetes, I suppose, it’s best to say. Those both arise either from our genes or from the way we treat our bodies and that means calorie intake and exercise. I could also do with losing a stone but my weight is pretty constant and I do enjoy my food and the occasional drink. AF is often the result of years of high blood pressure, I gather - not always, of course.

My sleep has been awful for years thanks to an overactive and worrying mind. That’s why I hope you can get your ectopic beats in perspective or your worries will lead to a much worse and long term reduced quality of life - for no gain whatsoever, only loss.


AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toPpiman

Arhh makes sense. It's good that you can share this experience though what you've learnt and can give to other people.

I know there's not "one" that fits all when it comes to health issues so I completely get what may work for one may not another.

I cant say iv paid much attention to my health really till now which sounds really bad being 33 years old and I have now only thought about what it is I am doing to my body over maybe 15 years of being over weight then losing it, abusing alcohol, food and caffeine it's crazy people say live your life to the fullest and I do agree but when our bodies speak to us and warn us about the signs I wish I had looked after it from such a young age.

Arhh iv always been the same, over thinking, worrying about everything but been blessed to have slept great ever since I was a baby. Maybe it's my time to have lack of good sleep.

I do agree lack of sleep is horrible and could be a contributing factor to my skipped beats and the worses about them when they happen which then return brings on more.

How can we not distract our minds but just see them as a normal thing like some people do. Just wish I could go back to before I started feeling them but I'm sure we'd all want that for ourselves.

Thanks again for your reassurance.

Ppiman profile image

Good comments - if only we could stop the mind dwelling on possibilities…


Behappy63 profile image

hi. I’m a 63 year old female who first had skipped beats / palpations when I was in my 20s. Alcohol does affect then as does dehydration Heat and lack of sleep. When I was pregnant with my second child the palpitations ramped up but it was a few years later that my svt. Turned into AF. I’ve been in 5 mg bisoprolol for the past 25 years. I do get bursts of wakefulness sometimes but I found that keeping a diary of my symptoms and the only true correlation I found was I was more susceptible to events in the month after a super traumatic event round about the time when my cycle was in the second half. Also the individual triggers on their own weren’t necessaryly a trigger sometimes it was a combo of factors- a perfect storm perhaps-. Not sure if this helps or is confirmation bias but it helped me focus and ultimately realise it was actually pretty random.

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toBehappy63

Thanks behappy63 for your experience, no this really helps.How have you coped for this time?!? Hands down to you.

Iv heard pregnancy and also pre menopause can bring Eptopic beats on which they thought and tested for that so I can only put it down to maybe abuse of alcohol over the years I haven't drank since 16th February and the skipped beats started mid march so not sure.

How did you know you had Afib? I have a smart watch and a Kardia?

If you don't mind me asking when you gave birth did they know about your heart did they monitor you closely, I want to start a family in the new couple of years but I'm dreading the skipped beats and pain of course haha but also don't want to much strain on my heart so hoping they will suggest alternative birth options for me did you find this was the case for you?

I think your right with the cycle I'm trying to figure out when I get them more during my cycle iv been off for 5 nearly 6 months now so I'm trying to get familiar with my hormones I haven't had for 15 years of my life.

Thanks again.

Behappy63 profile image

hi again. Happy to help. Coping is a strange one. You see kids in Syria and Afghanistan and they play in the debris of war, and that’s because we cannt be scared all of the time so we adjust to a new normal. Then something else happens and we have to reset. We get used to it I suppose. One thing really helped and that was relaxation exercises. I still use them 20+ years later that and breathing. ( although that’s pretty essential 😀) as far as pregnancy went yes they knew about it and I was fine - took me off beta blockers while pregnant the week before giving birth I had a AF episode which the treated me with a drug which would slow Labour. Just as well as I was only on Labour for an hour! It’s a hard one but find something that relaxes you ,,accept that the beats are there and they will pass it’s a moment in time. Take comfort from your medical reports. But most of all do not let it stop you from living. !

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toBehappy63

Your absolutely right I need to live my life as many people of previous post have said don't let it beat you, Sometimes I sit back and think Im very fortunate to be where I am with the people around me so I completely understand I'm not worst of to many people out there.I am entirely greatful for my life I suppose I just need to toughen up with it and accept there will be bad days ahead but also good days as well.

I do find the breathing thing excerises work to claim me yeah. I do watch a bit of CBT training as I can't journalise stuff I prefer watching or doing stuff helps for me.

How did you find the Eptopic beats off them whilst you was pregnant? One hour that's amazing from story's iv heard, Its good to know they will offer something when for giving birth as it scares me putting all that pressure on my heart giving birth.

On a sort of plus note my ECG results came back today with 104 PVCs & 27 PACs in 48hrs so I kind of knew it would have shown this Im just waiting on seeing my GP to dicuss but I honestly thought there was more skipped beats.

Thank you again means alot.

TracyAdmin profile image

Thank you for sharing your personal journey with the Members -I have sent you a PM this morning.

Kind regards


AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toTracyAdmin

Thanks Tracy I am happy to share my story anyway to help.

Kind regards


TracyAdmin profile image
TracyAdminPartnerArrhythmiaAlliance in reply toAWhittaker

That is great news, please can you respond to our 'Chat' message - much appreciated!

Morningrose profile image

Hi AWhitakker, regarding Bisoprolol, when I first started on it 2.5mg in 2017, I had breathing problems, was very uncomfortable. I was told by my GP to persevere, which I did and eventually it went away. I felt dizzy at the beginning. I have now been on 7.5mg for some time and I feel absolutely fine. The only thing I loose a lot of hair which would appear to be a side effect of taking Bisoprol especially at a high dose. I hope it all helps and wish you good luck and better health. Just to say that any palpitations over 100 must be checked at A&E as if you are not taking any blood thinner, as you are then at risk of developing clots and your Troponin could be running high. I don't want to scare you but better be safe than sorry. Best wishes, Morningrose%

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toMorningrose

Thanks morningrose.That's a good amount of time for your body to get used to it isn't it. I couldn't even do 2 weeks on bisoprolol I came off for the ECG & echocardiogram results as my doctor thought it would be better for me to get true reflection of results for them both.

My echocardiogram is clear and fine but my ecg came back today as I have PVCs 104 in 48hrs and 27 PACs but no sign of any other arryrthimas thankfully. I sort of new the ECG would pick up on the skipped beats as I feel them I was expecting a lot more than that though but waiting on speaking to my GP about it all.

The bisoprolol did suit me in claiming my heart rate down I got less side effects from bisoprolol to propranolol however I couldn't sleep at all on bisoprolol it just kept me wind awake having it. Did you find this at first?

My heart rate only goes above 100bpm when I'm doing stuff now rarely goes above 100bpm when they tested my troponin level on new algorithm it was in normal range I think it was a "3ng/L" thank you for the advise though.

Evaluna profile image

Hello, I can't add much to what people have said on here already. I have had ectopics for 40 years ( I am now 74). They started after a very stressful period. Initially I probably only had between 6 and 20 a day but they totally freaked me out. I had beta blockers once or twice but didn't find they made much difference. I do get them much more frequently now and can get get a few thousand a day. I also get an atrial tachycardia sometimes. I have taken 1.25 mg bisoprolol for past 2 years, occasionally take an extra one although I am not sure it makes much difference. I have tried cutting out caffeine, alcohol, gluten, dairy (sometimes simultaneously... boring) and it makes no difference in my case. I don't smoke, am not overweight and am pretty fit. At the most stressful times in my life(divorce and cancer), I had very few ectopics! So, we have to try and learn to live with these wretched things. The unpredictability does get me down sometimes but I m still here. I can still cycle, walk up steep hills etc. CBT can be helpful and try having a look at the videos on you tube by Sanjay Gupta from York Cardiology. Every cardiologist I have ever seen says they're not harmful. My Mum had them and she thought her father did too-he lived to 94 and died from pneumonia. Take heart and don't let them take over your life. Good luck

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply toEvaluna

Thank you Evaluna for your story.

It's helped massively for you to share what you've been through and for 40 years! Honestly hands down to you for being brave with everything you went through as well. I can't imagine it was easy at all.

I'm very simlar to how you had them, I may get 6 in a day or maybe 20. When they first started about 2months ago I must have been having 50 odd a day they showed up on my ECG 48hr monitor thingy I had done.

But I've done also like you, cut out alcohol & caffeine completely, iv never smoked and I'm being more active going swimming.

Food wise I did notice they come on when I eat certain foods which I can tyring to figure out what my intolerances to foods are atm.

but mainly the skipped beats come on when I'm stressed out, worked up with day to day life stuff and anxious.

Ohh gosh yeah Dr Sanjay Gupta has been a life sav in the way he explains them doesn't he, Did you ever listen to his "why magnesium helps Eptopic beats"? Iv been started to have more magnesium in my diet to see if that makes a difference. Up to now I haven't had many or if a few since taking in more magnesium. We'll see how I get on.

But hands down to you for pushing through, you should be an imspration to all who have or experience Eptopic beats beause your right they are scary and they make you think of sorts of things so your definitely not alone and it's nice to have these forums to know people are going through simlar if not the same situations.

Your absolutely right I'm trying to not let it affect me, being nearly 34 I want to live a happy and healthy life well into my 70's that's the hope anyways Thanks again.

Evaluna profile image

Thank you for your kind response but I'm not so brave- this is life and we all have to get on with it. I did try magnesium but didn't work for me. I eat really healthily and eat lots of nuts so wasnt expecting any great change. If you can try and avoid pills if you're only getting a few a day. I try and tell myself this is OK as my heart is still beating its just adding a few extra ones. Even though I am on the alert for ectopics, whenever I have had a monitor that always picks up 3 or 4 times as many as I feel. There is a cardiologist called Oliver Segal and his website is very good. He reiterated the fact that ectopics will not shorten your life. Hold that thought!

Karmaplz profile image

I have only just found this page but I am interested in all these stories. I often have times when I feel my heart pounding but I always have another thing that goes with it as my head goes funny, like a pressure in it and I feel like I’m going to faint and this lasts hours. I work in a hospital and my colleagues have taken me to an and e on a few occasions. The ecg is always abnormal but it’s not a heart attack. Some days I feel so good that I walk around smiling at everyone and having a chat and then for no reason at all my heart starts racing again and I have to sit down 😭😭

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