My GPs are so busy following the questionable direction of NHS via remit & contract have left me in unsafe position re attitude towards my history & Antibiotics re the underlying sepsis & pyuria .The hippocratic Oath & ethics are no longer They have allowed the NHS to cause me health damage by its policies & procedures ignoring those of a certain age not vaccinated & then am not given a fair hearing when try to raise issues they ignore eg: discriminationfrom Microbiology & Cultures .Issues such as sepsis urgency antibiotics & genetic predisposition .They have now deregistered knowing have made me a risk by their further negligence via prescribing Leaving the admin in charge to betray confidentiality in order to maligne & libel.
NHS a Health & Safety Risk ?!: My GPs are... - Healthy Evidence
NHS a Health & Safety Risk ?!
To make matters worse the system of NHS cover Duty of Care has broken down further since Thatcher & unreasonable Maths meeting out Funding? Her in Gloucestershire uk the Head of Security , a Hospital /CCG appears to be directing so ignored via bias & not addressed even by MP & police to point of Mentally Sectioning me at A & eE when refused to adrees histiry & disabilities or anything not happened that day [ minor injury?} yesterday 6th June 2019 so entrapment at the hospital refusing to let out re: chronic sepsis .I escaped & accessed Discharge so after Police deceived me into being taken backfor nothing to happen & RELEASED SAME DAY without discussion & assistance from Police re Vulnerability & Word RE RESOLUTION on going to A&E re utis acute 3 weekly needing culturing & DANGEROUS ENTRY [ dictat on online record re CULTURES ] mY disability planning re Nhs Constitution has been cut back again via appts when move. When your conditions have genetic predisposition to most problems Red Flags re chronic sepsis have been targeted to cut back using practitioners eg : trained to ignore history & diagnosis now p/t GPs [ contracts & remits] via Universities not Independent Medical Schools .
So directed by Call centres to operate negligibly so there is no discretion for those who could be assisted even though contacted Senior Sister re staff not knowing Red Flags re chronic not acute , [ different if on medication ] day before ? So no diagnosis or treatment if do not fulfil criteria with pre-existing disability & multiple conditions deliberately ignored .This is also found in most euctional & medical Research selection? So now also have Heart Failure & primary lipo-lymphoedema stage 2 for which no provision if Primary & Delayed Diagnosis .As mine could be MID [ alzheimers] like Late Mother this is not too funny as sits on cusp of the neurologial [ pituary /mental] Funding ? Inheritance Tax ?
I had had abnormal EEG diagnosed same time as spina bifida , fatty liver scarred kidneys, urgency ,neurogenic bladder one ureter too many , at Royal Free Research 1969 Prof Moorhead [ kidneys ] & Brumfitt [ Urology ] GP round corner. Online record [ paper ones [ legal documents not being used by Medical as deliberate p/t Further Health & Safety Human Rights Damage NB Expert witnesses re Function targeting at work via LA Barnet , London & 5-6 DLA Appeals Tribunals where had to have near fatal MI cardiac because of negligence with Security forcibly trying to send home on own knowing single solo & mobility impaired .This was next day after MI wearing blue rubber gloves this also happening in Bath A&E/ Walk IN last sunday RE CHRONIC SEPSIS ACTION .Could they betraying my Confidentiality using Data Protection - Police too that I have not consented too.NB Had 2 Expert witness in London re this but we still could not address even at Royal Courts of Justice .Ignored .Could the fact getting this Sectioning is covering themselves by blaming me & bullying with no Fair hearing or Planning to resolve - restoration even via MP & Victim Support ? As deliberately witheld yesterday Discharge Letter requested saying WOULD send to GP .....when known not registered & why anxious .
By the way they have 50 people as on shifts not coordinating or communicating texting They appear to be set up bully by inaction to ignore confidentiality ???!!Last time it resulted in the cardiac when Heart Failure re antibiotic & no middle management policies of not teaching of specific history in 1970s re NHS & Education .I know I was there & victimised then too - targeting Function when witholding antibiotics given by Specialists .Teaching from middle 60s then self funded BA 2001 & MA 2004 with special help then dyspraxia found MA ignored by NHS National too when same test?