I really hope you can help me.
In late December 2018 I had a Bariatric Op and went from 24sts to 11 sts. I suddenly hated food. In November 2022 I needed a Gallbladder Removal Op (with complications ie dilated ducts with gall stones here and a big stone as well as many smaller ones located in my liver). This complication is by the by however, the main thing was the removal of the gallbladder.
Since this last operation food tastes oh so much better, so I find myself suddenly looking forward to eating so much so I'm now 12sts 8.
Did the last op I had have anything to do with this? i abhorred chicken for example and now it tastes totally different. It’s the same with bread and butter and the like. By the like I mean food in general.
What's going on? Can someone help explain this to me, please?