Any thoughts ?
Which is better Weight watchers or Slimmin... - Healthy Eating
Which is better Weight watchers or Slimming world?

The one that suits you, motivates you and will stick to forever.
Losing weight is only the start, keeping it off is the aim which is the reason for my answer. You need to choose a plan that will become a way of eating/life or run the risk of becoming a yo-up dieter.
Personally I prefer to eat lowish carb/highish fat and get support and help on the HU forums (and it’s free).
WW is just a money making exercise. Until people wake up to the fact that calorie counting doesn't work they won't get anywhere. The whole fat is the problem' theory is 70 years old and has long since been debunked as a flawed study. The real problem is carbohydrate, because the body metabolises it in a different way. The best diet is low carb like the Pioppi Diet.
Here here, we’ll said. Calories in vs calories out is wrong because Homeostasis is not accounted for. Check it out.
I've lost nearly 2 stone calorie counting, I think it can work for some people! Especially as a starting point for weight loss.
It is possible to loose weight by calorie counting if you happen to cut down on the right calories, but the body doesn't metabolise all calories the same, so just counting calories is a hit and miss method. Some people count calories but hardly lose anything because they cut out foods with the wrong sort of calories and keep on eating foods with the type of calorie that's causing the weight gain.
Yeah it's just a bit more nuanced than "Until people wake up to the fact that calorie counting doesn't work they won't get anywhere."! In my view lchf just isn't a suitable lifestyle for a lot of people, even if it shows the most dramatic weight loss in a short period, its less sustainable to go without eating a bowl of pasta or some bread for the rest of your life!
I don't really like either having tried them both. What's working for me now is the Dr Xand van Tullekan approach How to Lose Weight Well. You can get a copy of the book on Ebay for about a fiver.
Good luck with whatever you decide. There's so much support here, no matter which "diet" you're doing.

I can only feed back on slimming world: it's a low fat,low sugar approach, which works for many, but not necessarily everyone. I think it's quite an easy diet to be unhealthy on (as most diets can be), but it doesn't force you to go hungry or miss out on everything.
I think slimming world is supposed to be easier than WW, simply because you don't have to count everything the way you do with weight watchers. Many report weight watchers pushed them to ready meals whilst slimming world encourages more veg and home prep, plus it doesn't require counting anything, unless it has fat or sugar in it.
Both obviously offer group support, which is really helpful. Of course, it can lead you astray sometimes too
I’ve tried both and preferred WW platform. WW is a better plan as it’s an all rounder being concerned about your mental health as well as weight loss. For now I’m trying calorie counting a bit but generally trying to eat better and stick to a more Mediterranean diet which is good for the brain too.
Banting diet, aka Atkins/Keto diet.
Can only report on WW as never tried SW. WW encourages you into a lifestyle which you can live with forever. Nothing is banned or sinned and so you can eat anything food as long as you track it. You have daily points and weekly points. You can use your weeklies for a night out of add then to your dailies if you choose. You can lose weight without exercise. If you exercise you can add your allocated fit points to your food points if you wish. You are encouraged to cook from scratch and the app has loads of recipes. It syncs with Fitbit. They are loads of exercise routines from FitOn in the app. Cooking demos etc. Tracking points is so easy in the app with barcode scanning. Also a connect forum for encouragement and challenges.
Keto I find is by far the best. Or at least LCHF. It works.