I’m 66 years old and very overweight having just checked my BMI but is it possible for women of my age to lose weight... I have 2 dogs one who likes to walk and 1 elderly and with a husband waiting for a hip operation I’m very active at home.. but I’m dubious if I’m just at a plateau and it’ll stay like that ??
My age is it a restriction to weight loss ? - Healthy Eating
My age is it a restriction to weight loss ?

Morning. Age is no restriction to losing weight? I am 69 and am restricted by PMR but still get out and walk most days and try to eat healthily. Pred does unfortunately contribute to weight gain so its a balancing act. Cut down on the carbs, plenty of protein and vegetables/salad and long walks with doggies ideal. Lovely to hear about your love of animals. Good luck
Hello Kaiseysmum you should be able to lose weight with exercise and calorie restrictions, I'd make sure that you don't have thyroid issues as this affects our ability to lose weight.
We will help you eat well which combined with exercise the pounds should gently slip away.
So good luck and do let us know how you get on and welcome to our friendly community.
Jerry. 😊

Thank you
Hi Kaiseysmum
It is possible to lose weight at any age, although hormones, medication etc can make it more tricky.
I’ve found that what I eat is just as important as how much I eat! Like Gumnut I have cut back on starchy foods, like bread, potatoes and rice, and kept sugary foods and drink to a minimum. Avoiding any foods that are highly processed is important, because so much of it lacks any real nutrition and also seems to be addictive.
Good luck.
Absolutely not. Although as has been said medication can slow/complicate the issue. It really isn’t necessary to do lots of exercise to lose weight either. Keeping active in all sorts of ways is good for us though and helps keep our body mobile - in a sort I’d use it or lose kind of way (the less you do, the less you can do). If you haven’t already seen there is a weight loss forum Where you will gets lots of help, inspiration and information - just like here but with a weight loss bias.
No restriction at all my mother went from size 14 to 10 at 82 years. Although it caused a wardrobe clear out it did wonders for her health. I followed suit dropping a stone and a half between 60 and 61. Good for it...cut out dairy and it it amazing how the day goes. Even if you eat the same in other ways. Good luck whatever you decide. You deserve good health and happiness. 🙋🏻♀️
Well done to your mum. She is a fine example. Personally I would be cautious about cutting out dairy as its nutrients, calcium and Vit D important to prevent osteoporosis. Particularly if taking Omeprazole. Its cutting the carbs thats more important.
Hi Kaiseysmum
I also agree that age isn't a barrier to weight loss, and wishing you the best with your goals. Welcome to the Healthy eating community - hope you enjoy participating here.
I lost close to 3 stone at 66 - took about 6 months. I followed a healthy but strict calorie controlled diet (logged EVERYTHING I ate - that's the only way for me) and did an hour of very brisk walking on my rebounder to music. With back pain and arthritis I can only stroll on hard ground. It was tough going but I did it.
Unfortunately 2 stone has gone back in during lockdown and I'm still shielding. It's boredom and comfort eating. Grrrr. Sooo cross with myself. Coming up 69 now but just as determined to lose it as before.
Good luck - if you're determined enough you'll find a way - change your eating habits, cut the snacking, and the exercise you do has to be more than normal or it'll be a long hard and frustrating grind. Share your progress and the encouragement you get will be a big boost.
I lost almost 4 stones with the Slimming World plan. That was 12 years ago and I have kept it off. I still go to group (albeit zoom ones during lockdown). It helps to get the weight off and the social side of meetings is wonderful. I was swimming most mornings but of course that stopped so now I try to get a good walk every day and spend most days gardening.
If your weight is a health issue your GP may be able to refer you to Slimming World or an NHS health trainers group. Just try reducing bread, change to wholemeal and have just 2 slices. Eat plenty of fruit and veg, make your meals colourful. Remove all visable fat from meat before cooking, eat more white meat, more fish and less processed food. Eating well and cooking can be fun.
Hi Kaiseysmum, I’m 56 tried 100s of diets in my life time.
I have loads of health problems which makes it very hard to exercise but I am trying some little moves.
Came across this site signed up in May and yesterday I hit my 3 stone 1lb loss I still have loads to lose.
The support on here is just amazing some of the posts I got yesterday brought tears to my eye, you will get great support on here pick up tips it’s really is great.
I’m on LCHF eating plan, low carb high fat it’s just one amazing plan. I’m learning every day new thing.
Good in your weight loss journey 🌻🌻
I am 74, over the last 4 years I have lost 25 kg. Use small plates, fruit, veg, fish, chicken, meat free meals all help.
I was advised in November 2019 to go gluten and lactose free in order to reduce the PMR pain. It works! I have also lost 7 kg since then.
I’m 65 and Lost 20 pounds, I do what they call intermittent fasting. Goggle it, to me it’s Easy I’ve cut down on carbs and make a pot of soup so this way if I get hungry I can eat Soup cause it’s ready to eat. This has really helped me with lowering my diabetes numbers. 🙏😷
Hello pleased to meet you .
Please if I can comment . As we get older our metabolic rate slows down takes longer to absorb nutrients process food.
Fantastic your are doing much to help yourself which is good.
Make sure include in diet the following lots of fruit vegetables leafy greens.
Spinach known to curb appetite .
Eat Whole grains and whole wheat. Beans Pulses , Pasta Rice .
Bread with every meal after wards. Drink water before each meal and after always.
Eat slowly use bowls Pasta Soup. Any meal you eat. Plates problem is portion control once eaten can add another portion, bowls mind focuses on portion sizes.
Takes a lot to train yourself but works.
Using bowls restricts portion control so hopefully if you eat with your eyes and brain weight should dwindle. Cooking meat remove skin and dice or shred .
Chicken thigh skin removed and sliced dices in a bowl looks a portion large. Lot of meat.
Pad this out more veggies . Make sauces using veggies blender and then sieve and as sauce.
See this in any cooking programmes use Carrot, Onion Celery with Tomato products all becomes a Ragu sauce freeze this add herbs dried or fresh but is a puree of sauce.
Each time make a batch helps the veggie contents of your bowl more.
One other add Yoghurt Fruit afterwards eating any meal.
Not only include Spices Herbs in your food many have digestion solutions.
Help with weight control appetite.
Leave gaps between each course depends what you eating.
If eating two courses should be that . All the brain is doing to the stomach not registering. If eating quickly.
Adrenaline is the enemy if you feel after eating one meal then one more sweet or pudding.
You can not control the desire for more food can delay it by eating as recommended.
So pace it out, use first course why not in many cultures cuisines start with a veggie based soup.
Not a lot just enough to help the hunger and add bread with it no need butter just bread, can toast this.
Add to bottom of a soup bowl add soup and then soaks up veggies and liquid very much fills you up.
After around thirty to forty minutes have small portions of meat but plenty of veggies. Grains Pasta Rice.
Should be recommended either or.. The following.
40% protein 60% carbs as veggies.
if needed to 40% carbs as veggies, 40% protein as meat 20% starches carbs Rice Pasta Grains at meals .
I have the following suggestions recommendations ideas losing weight . The list top ten may help you.
1. Meat Fish with complex carbohydrates Pasta Rice Grains.
2. Plenty of water before meals and after.
3. Create weekly menu and plan for this. Do stock list for shopping and stick to it.
Budget plan prepare weekends meal plans . Stock check cupboards make a list of what you have.
4. Fuel use fruit cereal Cornflakes bread sandwiches PNB helps restricts appetite. If having snack attack.
If feeling hungry or tired , favourite one .
PNB Sandwich bread whole meal Apple and Glass of milk.
5. Eat Breakfast must be nutritious not only good start but energizes you.
Ideas Cereal add fruit fresh frozen diced, berries and cherries.
Top one Porridge water Apple diced with Greek Yoghurt honey.
Or boiled eggs toast berries fruit yoghurt.
Omelettes with mushrooms or whole meal bread toasted poached eggs add toms mushrooms.
Fill your own Bowl morning does not have to be hard be creative , have soup.
Noodles veggies . Look on line ask me again, I eat soup breakfast Italian style ones breakfast beans if no money.
6. Avoid high amounts of Salt Sugar in everything so be careful. Hidden ones in bread and tinned products, freezer meals and other products.
7. Exercise remember to start slowly take some time to do stretches and warm up have water fuel up be sensible.
When resting please do warm down bath relax let body fuel up my snack attack here.
Tip just hate doing house work make favourite sandwich add to fridge do house work then sandwich, instead of sugar fuel.
Good exercise use music for stimulation dancing moving can be enjoyable .
Be inventive sandwiches keep stash of bread frozen in freezer.
8. Make time for eating no TV have music on radio use CD's buy .
9. Fat understand is not the enemy we need fats to survive just be careful of hidden the fats in certain food products.
Olive Oils Rapeseed Fish Oils, Walnuts, useful sources.
10. Look on line for course awareness of healthy eating join and enrol. Educate knowledge all useful.
This means understanding your relationship with food.
I have done this myself to help me understand my own health issues , worth doing.
Please if you have any questions please ask happy to help and be supportive.
Please take care.