I have an extreme amount of exhaustion on the daily. I drink, eat, and sleep just fine, but every day at work I’ll be practically collapsing from how tired I am, let alone even being able to keep my eyes open. The only thing that helps is drinking coffee, which absolutely does help with the exhaustion, but coffee also does terrible things to your body (including giving me extreme anxiety along with my energy). Does anyone have any alternatives for this?? I take a multivitamin, and I’ve tried herbal supplements such as green tea and ginkgo but to no avail. I’d be willing to try a healthier alternative to coffee even if it does still have caffeine. Help, any suggestions?
Energizing alternatives to coffee/caffeine? - Healthy Eating
Energizing alternatives to coffee/caffeine?

Did you have tea that isn’t green tea— caffeine added?
I take some supplements for tiredness and they give very positive results.
These are minimum daily amounts , when you take them will depend on your response. I cannot take magnesium or carnitine after 2pm or I will not sleep
Magnesium 240 mg + Taurine 1000mg (or magnesium taurate )
Acetyl L- Carnitine 1500mg
CoQ10 300mg
I've never tried D-ribose as my results have been so good
Hi Roman, if you sleep well and your body is well nourished you should not need to take stimulants to stay awake, so I would have a blood test to rule out anaemia which will cause extreme tiredness and look at your sleep pattern. The trouble with stimulants like caffeine is they can also make us nervous and stay in our system so when we should be tired we're left feeling wired, so it becomes a vicious cycle.
So I would look into why you're so tired and treat this rather than take stimulants to combat it.
And good luck with this, 😊

Welcome to the Healthy Eating group.
First and foremost, you should review your diet. May be the kind of food you are eating is causing rapid rise and subsequent collapse of your blood sugar level resulting in a feeling of tiredness. Coffee or any alternative drink is not the solution as Hidden also mentioned. One has to look for the root cause.
Green smoothies 🍃 🍹 , Roman526, can be an lovely energizing ⚡️ alternative to coffee/caffeine ☕️ : healthunlocked.com/healthye... 😋 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
As others argue, I would echo that your diet is nutritionally incomplete. Possibly you are short of calories on a daily basis. Possibly there are some key nutrients you are simply not getting on a regular basis. Both of these are easily resolvable and then caffiene hits can become a thing in your past.