NHS Diabetes prevention program NHS DPP. πŸ‰... - Healthy Eating

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NHS Diabetes prevention program NHS DPP. πŸ‰πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

β€’27 Replies

Good morning everyone,

Diabetes is a spiralling world problem as it can have devastating effects and its prevention is much better than a cure so here's a link about the NHS DPP:


There are some shocking type2D figures with diabetes coupled with obesity increasing rapidly and it's up to us to raise awareness of preventing Type2 Diabetes as its effects on so many people and their families. For instance in England and Wales alone one person is diagnosed with type 2D every 3 minutes which's 200K people per annum.


Type 2D is preventable in lots of instances through a healthier regime including exercise and healthy eating choices.

If anyone wants motivation to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle then preventing type 2D should be a fantastic incentive...

The photo is one of my favourite spots for a walk in the fresh air. 😊

27 Replies
Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Good morning, and thanks for sharing this information. It is helpful.

I really like your photo - that is a gorgeous spot. Lovely for a walk in the fresh air. So healthy and re-vitalising.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Good morning Zest and thank you, I think that we have to do something to help prevent diabetes and it's easier when you don't suffer from it. Because it does affect us in one way or another like 1 in 6 UK hospital patients have diabetes and end up with a longer stay in hospital.

Jerry 😊

Activity2004 profile image

Fantastic information Hidden !πŸ˜€πŸ‘ Thank you for posting this this morning. Here’s the link for the free leaflets from the DRWF’s website. drwf.org.uk/understanding-d... One is called Diabetes and Exercise. The other is Diet and Diabetes.

in reply to Activity2004

Thanks Leah and for the DRWF leaflet as its very helpful and I should've added a link to the HU DRWF group for anyone who wants support for diabetes in the UK:


Jerry 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to


Cooper27 profile image

Thanks for sharing :)

I think it's worth mentioning that some local pharmacies (definitely Lloyd's branches) offer free diabetes screenings. They check BMI, exercise levels, waist circumference and assess your risk. If you're high risk, or if you wish to, they will then do a finger prick test to assess whether you're diabetic.

Hi Cooper, thank you for this as it's a very good point about free testing. 😊

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to

It's recommended every 3 years, or if you become concerned about symptoms :) If you don't tick any of the risk factors though, there's probably limited point in going unless you have symptoms.

Fran182716 profile image

It’s a shame it’s only a pilot in selected areas at the moment, I’m doing this by myself - and sticking to it - avoiding diabetes is a good motivator! But it would be nice to be part of a group with a common goal.

in reply to Fran182716

Hi Fran, I think this is a great idea and we can have a pre diabetic section on here if you like and the same can be arranged on DRWF and DI, As Activity2004 (Leah) is admin on all 3...

What I'd like to do is get a few HU groups involved in raising awareness of preventing type 2 diabetes, giving those that want it a common goal and I'm all ears of you want to talk more about this.

Jerry. 😊

I'm Paul hope you're OK I'm diabetic on insulin partner passed away in November (cancer) decided I needed to lose weight be more active was on 90 units of insulin per day and weight was 15St 7lbs. I'm now 11St 5lbs on 28 units of insulin per day. My bloods

HbA1c was 96 down to 44 I'm more confident in everything I do and enjoying life. Not done anything drastic started walking from virtually nothing to 12,000 steps per day just walking to work not eating junk food. Had a lot of help from the people on this site and my diabetic nurse. If I can do this anyone can good luck. Paul

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Had your doctor suggested that you go on a low carb high protein diet plan?

in reply to Activity2004

Everything was done through my diabetic nurse doctor wasn't interested. The nurse listened to me suggested what see thought was best for me and I took on board what she said.

Bluecat19 profile image

I’ve been going to this group in my local area. Beyond the first 4 weeks the monthly maintenance sessions can be booked out of sequence, which works well if you have other commitments and have difficulty keeping to a set day etc. But you don’t always see the same people in the group each time. I actually lost quite a lot of weight in the 3-4 months between a prediabetic diagnosis and waiting for the course to start - but was lucky because I already had done some training in nutrition and ran a weight loss programme in my work, so I had a good idea of what adjustments I’d need to make. The course has been useful, too. It was nice to be able to check in with other people who had good nutrition knowledge and the tutors have a genuine interest in tackling diabetes issues. Also interesting to hear members of the general public with specific challenges eg, several of us had dealt with frozen shoulder problems which made exercise difficult. I like your idea of a prediabetes group here, Jerry. It’s a different issue to full blown Type 2 but we can learn a lot from diabetics of all types!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

Thank you for saying this. It’s great to hear that you have done well before the training and you continue to!πŸ˜€πŸ‘ Are you counting carbs.?

Bluecat19 profile image
Bluecat19 in reply to Activity2004

What I tend to do is generally eat less carbs, choose better quality versions of them, and have smaller amounts of them than before. Are you counting carbs?

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

I count carbs. and eat a low carb high protein diet with gluten free, as well. I’m a type 1 Diabetic. I’m using two types of insulin and a CGM for tighter control of the blood sugars.

Bluecat19 profile image
Bluecat19 in reply to Activity2004

That’s interesting - thanks for sharing. Have you found exercise that suits you? It’s one area I really struggle with, but sense it would help if I settled on a regular exercise routine! I used to go to the gym but stopped after an accident and shoulder injury. I find it hard to motivate myself to fit β€˜going for a walk’ into a busy day of work and taking care of domestic tasks! The only saving grace is that some of the latter also equal β€˜good exercise’, apparently :)

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

Can you go walking around at your job? I walk around at my job and then babysitting my brother’s children.πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Bluecat19 profile image
Bluecat19 in reply to Activity2004

Not really - it’s pretty desk bound and I have to do a lot of reading and writing. I could try actively giving myself more breaks, as a discipline - some of the work does require thinking/coming up with answers. Thanks for the encouragement!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

You’re welcome! You can also check out the DRWF free leaflets that Jerry gave a link to in this posting.πŸ˜€πŸ‘Œ

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

Would you like to join the DRWF and DI groups on HU?

Bluecat19 profile image
Bluecat19 in reply to Activity2004

Thank you. How do I find them?

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

I will send you the links for both groups in a few minutes.πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Bluecat19 profile image
Bluecat19 in reply to Activity2004

Many thanks! The post on yoga for diabetes in DI looks very helpful :)

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Bluecat19

Thank you for letting us know! Enjoy!πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Activity2004 profile image

DI: healthunlocked.com/diabetes...

DRWF: healthunlocked.com/drwfdiab...

Click on the link to each group and then click on the follow button for the group.πŸ˜€πŸ‘

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