Weight gain: Hello.. I have been told I am... - Healthy Eating

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Weight gain

24 Replies

Hello.. I have been told I am underweight and need to put weight on. I have medical advice and leaflets but just wondering is anyone else on here trying to gain weight and what they are doing to achieve that.

Or any advice from anyone would be welcome 🙏🏼


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24 Replies
TheAwfulToad profile image

My main goal is to maintain or increase muscle mass, so I might be able to offer some ideas.

Broadly, there are three possible reasons for being underweight:

- Poor bone density. This indicates a serious underlying medical problem.

- Unusually low bodyfat. Again, this may indicate some underlying illness UNLESS you are an athlete on a low-carb diet.

- Low muscle mass. Usually just an indication that you're not active enough.

Your doctor should have ordered a DEXA scan or (at minimum) a body impedance analysis to determine which of these three possibilities applies. If you don't have this information then his assertion is meaningless.

Assuming (a) you don't have some genuine medical condition, and (b) you actually WANT to gain weight - you feel that you look too skinny - then the best way is to increase your activity level, preferably with weight training. This will drive your appetite up and put weight in the right places (ie., your muscles). There is absolutely no point in just making yourself fat.

Are you male or female, how heavy are you, and how tall are you? Do you know what your bodyfat percentage is?

in reply to TheAwfulToad

Thank you so much for your helpful reply

I am female 6st and my height is 5’5 . I’m not sure about the percentage sorry

Yes i do have a medical lung condition.. one of the symptoms is loss of appetite . They have given me weight gain drinks but i would like to be toned as I gain weight .

I’m newly starting exercise .. it’s embarrassing but I haven’t ever set time apart to exercise before.

We have gotten a treadmill, bike and weights . Swimming will start in the summer too .

Thanks again x

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToad in reply to

Ah, OK. 6st is pretty low. It depends on what's in the weight gain drinks, but many of them will simply make you fat unless you have a structured workout programme.

Do you have a trainer? If not I strongly recommend watching some youtube videos to ensure you're getting movements right. It's very easy to hurt yourself, especially since you probably have some bone and tendon damage already.

I would stick to light weights and moderate repetitions to begin with - that is, pick a weight that you can use for 12 repetitions x 4 sets. Increase either your reps or your weight when you feel confident that you can do so.

For cardiovascular work, I suggest 15 minutes each on treadmill and cycle (any more than that gets boring). Do interval training on each machine, eg., 1 minute at a modest pace alternating with 1 minute at a fast run. Find two speeds that leave you sweaty after 15 minutes but not gasping on the floor. Again, increase your speed or resistance as you feel able to do so.

in reply to TheAwfulToad

Thank you ! I really appreciate it x i have had advice from physiotherapist and dieticians and so on but i love to hear from people on here also .

I do not have a trainer just yet but i will try to follow trainers on youtube and take it from there thanks for that advice .

I am starting my regime on Monday ...a little nervous about it as I think my fitness level is zero ( baring my lungs in mind too) but the only way is upwards right?!

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

For loss of appetite, maybe have your B12 levels evaluated, too.

The standard GP blood test is about 60% inaccurate, & even the active B12 isn't fail safe if you supplement with B vitamins already.

in reply to BadHare

The loss of appetite is due to a lung condition I was born with.. the chest infections cause loss of appetite x

Thank you for the reply .

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

That must be hard for you, I'm sorry!

Have you joined any of the lung health forums on HU?

in reply to BadHare

Yes i have its quite helpful. I just wanted some healthy ways of gaining weight and muscle so I thought I should try this forum also .

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

For gentle strength building exercise, see if you can find a good Hatha yoga class near your home. Once you feel stronger, you could try pilates or Iyenga yoga.

in reply to BadHare

Yes yoga is definitely on the list as it’s good for lung health too! Thanks

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

Find a good teacher who can adapt any poses to suit you, & it's better than a physio session! :) I'd never have managed pilates or Iyenga without practicing Hatha first. Check your local teachers are properly trained & qualified.

I'll find & post a link to a teacher I know who has a YouTube yoga channel for recovering cancer patients, so it's very simple. Might be just right for you, or at least I hope so!

in reply to BadHare

Thank you yeah if you could fid that link for me that would br amazing! I am starting on Monday hopefully!

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

These are nice for starters:



Also give Qi Gong a try: taichination.com/userfiles/...

in reply to BadHare

Thank you ever so much for taking time out to find them for me J appreciate it. It looks like something that I will be able to do... x

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

You're welcome, I'm happy to help!

The videos I looked for were a tad waffly, & not beginners stuff.

Qi Gong is great for mobilising joints & better breathing. There are lots of vidoes available for that too. :) x

MarciAC4 profile image
MarciAC4 in reply to BadHare

Thank you. All of that information is helpful to me too

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to MarciAC4

Fab! :)

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to TheAwfulToad

There may not always be an underlying medical cause. Genes play a big role in deciding our body structure. Lots of people eat lot but remain thin without any exercise. Some have high bmr. Being Thin is not being unfit or bad. Most important one should feel energetic rather than tired. Eating junk food and gaining weight is not good.

Yes. She has a medical lung condition.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToad in reply to suramo

>> Lots of people eat lot but remain thin without any exercise.

Sure. But she was specifically diagnosed as underweight (with, as it turns out, a medical reason) not merely thin.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to TheAwfulToad

Yes. It's because of her medical condition. She should get cured of the lung condition to gain weight. Perhaps she may not tolerate heavy exercises. Healthy food, yoga and exercise can help her

in reply to suramo

Thanks everyone for replies x

Unfortunately there’s no cure for my condition only treatments that help to maintain it . And healthy diet with good fitness

That’s what I am working on x

Thanks 🙏🏼

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to

Don't get disheartened. There is always a cure. You have to find right place and person. In the era of lung tissues getting grown in labs and transplanted into the person there is immense scope for cure.

Good luck.

in reply to suramo

Aww thanks ! I’m a hopeful person... maybe I should have said no cure at the moment ..

My condition doesn’t bother me at all though it’s something I was born with and my brother has it too.. so its ‘normal’ to me I don’t really know life without it. I don’t let it stop me from doing anything.

I’m just trying to be better with my eating and fitness so I can be as strong as I can be!


amykp profile image

I agree that exercise helps a lot. But another thing is lots of small meals. Or at least--that's what helped me. I was only trying to gain a few pounds, but I did it by eating a little at every opportunity. Basically, snacking!

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