I’ve been suffering anxiety,and I can’t seem to eat very much just wondering if anyone has some ideas of good food to help me gain some weight please
Help need food to gain weight healthy - Healthy Eating
Help need food to gain weight healthy

It depends whether you like cooking or eat more unhealthy, irregular and on the go? If option 2 is closer to you, I recommend you to consider the box diet. It is known that the pocket hurts a bit because you have to spend a little more money at one time, but if you add up everything that seems to be for quick dinners in the city, snacks and something for dinner, I think that it comes out in proportion to the price for e.g. a whole month of such a diet or even more ! I'm in the process of postponing for the first trial month. I am not the type of woman who enjoys standing at the pots, and because of what my diet looks like, I feel average. I believe that this solution will help me - daily delivery of food to the door, 5 wholesome meals and something different every day. Well, it sounds like heaven
I really like to play Tem Tem - it's a great and undemanding game. I don't get involved too much and I can relax. There is no violence here, the game is child friendly. A very nice community where the main task is to dress up their characters and buy new Pansuns for their Temtems.
It is worth mentioning that the whole thing is LGBT friendly and we are tolerant. Diversity is as important to us as healthy eating. If you want to buy Temtem Pansun, do it in a safe place and in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union and the United Nations.
Buying Temtem Pansun is essential. You can buy your Panuns here. Odealo is a safe place where everyone can feel at ease and safe.
I agree on FIT nutrition and life - but Temtem Pansun is extremely important.
The best we can do for Temtem is to buy Pansuns. An extremely powerful thing. People should be kinder and more sociable to each other. That's why I really like watching Netflix - it's a great platform, Disney + isn't that good, but it's also pretty good. I live FIT and buy Temtem Pansuns
It does sound like heaven I use to love cooking but since I’ve been suffering anxiety I’m not interested in anything anymore but I really have to do something about my eating problem as I have two children to look after and I don’t want to ruin my health in that way.when I can do something about it thanks for your advice x
I'd say finding some food you love is the key! What's your favourite meal? Can you add some veggies to it to make it healthier? For example I love pasta with any tomato based sauce and some grated cheese - could eat this every day of my life and not get sick of it! So I try and pack it full of different veggies to make it healthier. I don't eat much meat so I also use quorn mince which is a great source of protein. I fry off onions in a tablespoon of oil then gradually add the veg and quorn mince, after about 10 minutes I add tomato paste and then after frying that for a couple of minutes I add a tin of tomatoes, and let it simmer for a while till it looks like pasta sauce! That's the basic recipe, adding herbs and some salt and pepper is great, woody herbs like rosemary and Bay leaves add at the beginning, basil should be added right at the end, but you can use a little of basically any herb you've got in this.
I'm thinking soup might be a good shout as well if you're having a hard time eating much as it's easy, and fruit based smoothies to get some vitamins in as well. There's recipes out there for all kinds of soup on BBC good food, I'd recommend trying a carrot and red lentil one (if you like such things!) really simple, cheap ingredients and tasty. Good luck, let me know if you have any questions or if there's a dish you love and can't find a healthy recipe for! We do quite a lot of' fakeaway' cooking 😊
Ah thank you so much your full of good advice.I do think soup is the easiest food for me at the moment as everything else makes me want to be sick.i just wish the sick feeling will go so I can eat something nice.i use to love food I would always try different things but now I just can’t face it but I’m trying your pasta dish sound great I might give it a try my children would like it as well x

It can be difficult to gain weight in a healthy way. Is it possible for you to add protein powder into your diet? Adding some plain protein powder to a smoothie or soup would help a little, but don't overdo it with protein bars/protein shakes, as too much can be bad.
I will give it ago but I just can’t seem to chew it and swallow I gag! But needs must I will try whatever people offer to help thank you x
HiI do have swallowing issues - I add soaked chia seeds to yoghurt, soup, milk, etc. They have so many vitamins.
Milk based foods can be good if you like them- yoghurts, milk shakes, creamy soups. Eating litle and often might be a better option than trying to think about big meals at the moment - soups, sandwiches, eggs, jacket potatos, beans on toast.
Nuts can make good snacks -they're not very big but high calorie, also peanut butter on toast or crackers. I was told by a dietician to try and add extra calories to foods that I do eat by adding grated cheese, nuts, seeds etc so you could try that too.
Hi Tillymay
Welcome to the Healthy eating community, and I hope you'll enjoy participating here. There's lots of pinned posts and topics to look through - if you want to.
Very true I had anxiety which made me feel sick then I couldn’t eat.But now I still have anxiety but also anxiety of not being able to eat.I do try soup and shakes.Im really trying hard to solve this but it is one big challenge.thank you for your advice x