Today is the start of Mental Health week fo... - Healthy Eating

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Today is the start of Mental Health week for children,

10 Replies

Good morning folks, today is the beginning of Mental health awareness week for children and being a parent (and I was a single dad) so I know how we as parents worry about our children, their health and well being.


I know that we’re a healthy eating forum but we eat healthily to be physically and hopefully mentally fit and healthy, which is the basis for our self esteem and well being. And one piece of advice that rings true whether its for a healthy heart, mind or body is the need for a ballanced diet, exercise and getting enough sleep.

My worry is the false importance some place on their virtual lives and how others respond to them on facebook, which is crazy and just fuels paranoia and neurosis in my opinion. When in reality we should all be encouraging one another to live fulfilled lives rather than competing over who has the most facebook friends, material advantages etc. So to me where we as a society have gone wrong is our lack of awareness of our own and each others spiritual needs, our need for 'food' for the soul...Our children are our future so lets look out for them...

So here are a couple of links that may be of interest.

10 Replies
Zest profile image

Hi Hidden ,

This is a great post, and I enjoyed looking at the links too. :-)

Zest :-)

will read the linkes when i can Jerry..

i was a single dad to 3 children for a few years before i met my new partner. lived in hotel rooms untill we found this old house..

i also was seperated form my mother for nearly all my childhood i know a few things on how children suffer mentally and the rest.

lessons are learned and passed on..

my 12 year old daughter has just won..come first of her year out of 48 schools in our provance thats number one out of 5000 children in her year.

my 8 year old son come top in his school for his year thats first out of a 100 children...he has also been reconized as been a gifted artist when he won a modeling competition in what 48 schools enterd.

my 6 year old still working on him 😐

you can turn things round in life... its not easy...but if i can do it. xx

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Thank you for sharing this March and you deserve to be happy and proud of your children, so good for you. 😊

I haven't looked at the links yet Hidden but very well said and it certainly relates to this HE forum as a balanced diet can help so much with mental health.

I have a daughter who started self harming back when she was 13, she will be 36 this month, and if I knew then what I know now I would certainly have done things differently. She was diagnosed as Bipolar a few years ago now and although she is a lot better now than she was she still has times where she's not so good. It's good to put mental health out there as it needs to be talked about, something I haven't done enough where it comes to my daughter.

I agree re social media etc, youngsters are frequently comparing their looks with others as well as how many likes and comments they get and also people are much braver when it comes to sitting in front of a computer and feel they can say what they like without any repercussions and having to face that person. I do not like the modern age where there is too much pressure on our looks and not the person within.

Well done Jerry and a very good post.

Alicia :)

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Hi Alicia, thank you ever so much for sharing yours and your daughters experience, its very brave of you, my son will also be 36 next month so I feel for you and all your family. As for hindsight welcome to the human race...

And you're so right of course we should talk about this rather than pretending just to keep appearances. As it helps other realise, hey I'm not alone in this, so thanks again.

Jerry 😊

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You are welcome Jerry and mental health is not an easy thing to admit. We had a particularly tough time as she also tried to take her life but thankfully she is so much better now. I am so proud of her as not only is she now sharing things on social media but also joined the local Mountain Rescue Team over 6 years ago.

Funny that our children are the same age, we can certainly resonate with each others.

Alicia :)

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Sounds really positive to me Alicia and to be part of the mountain rescue team is just fantastic, so I'm really pleased for her.

Jerry 😊

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Thank you Jerry and it certainly is very positive and both my hubby and I are very proud of her. Our youngest has also been a fantastic support and has helped us so much over the years. I just now need to sort myself out with my Emetophobia (fear of being sick) as I worry every time I hear the words 'tummy bug'. It really is affecting me now. I have put in a call to the doctor and waiting for him to call back re CBT therapy.

The support on the HU website in the forums I am a member of is fantastic and an excellent way to get things off your chest as well as sharing tips etc.

Alicia :)

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Well poor you Alicia and I wish you well with the CBT therapy and if you believe in yourself then you will respond to it even better...

And of course you're proud of her and your other children, you've every right to be.

Jerry 😊

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Thank you Jerry and I will get there. I have been trying to do it on my own following a Programme (I purchased a book), it's a very good Programme but unfortunately I don't have any support whilst following it so haven't picked the book up in weeks. I know I will recover, it's a matter of time.

Children are certainly well worth it and of course grandchildren as well. :)

Alicia :)

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