I just found this place as I am trying to get an answer to a question re reheating food.
Recently I bought a packet of dried lentils. I'd intended to use them in a stew or perhaps soup and thought if I make a big pot or if there are any left-overs I can either use the remainder the next day, reheated, or else freeze it and reheat another time.
This is what I have always done with stews and so forth.
Anyhow, I'd always assumed lentils could be reheated (at least if they'd only been cooked once) - but on the packet it says 'Do not reheat'...so now I am worried about doing so. I'm sure my elderly friend reheats stews containing lentils and he is 84 and so far as I know never been ill from doing so. Same goes for my Mum (lived till she was 85) and my Dad who is nearly 91. In fact I'm sure that I've done it before.
I know that food has to be cooled as fast as possible and not left lying around etc and those kind of general food safety rules...but I cannot see any reason why one cannot reheat cooked lentils (provided it's only done once).
So my question is, is it safe to do so and if not, why not?