I am a 17 year old girl who weighs 150lbs, I really want to take some weight loss pills, but all of them say that I can only purchase them if i'm 18+! I can purchase them online though, and i'm not really too concerned if the pills will "hurt" or "damage" my growing process, because I will be 18 in 4 months. Opinions? and if you have taken any weight loss pills, what would you recommend and why? thanks!
Weight: I am a 17 year old girl who weighs... - Healthy Eating

Please check with your doctor before you do anything about purchasing the weight loss pills. They can be addictive.
Hi Jjill, take a look at youtube.com/user/therealche... and decide if Chef AJ's approach might help you.
I have taken pills before and it didn't help in the least bit. I don't know whether it was the type I used or the fact that my body just was immune to it.. Lol. But I do advice that u can try other alternatives such as a change in diet and an exercise routine. Guess what, I also want to loose weight so we could do it together...
At your age you have the beauty of an amazing fast metabolism. I do not recommend diet pills at your age unless your doctor prescribes. At your age my mother took me to weight watchers and through them I learned how to eat. Now as an adult i see why it was hard to lose the weight then. At your age we tend to eat the unhealthy stuff cause that's what are friends do and in out 20's it's the partying and alcohol and no sleep.
I did not use weight loss pills until i was over 30 and had my kids and under supervision of a weight loss doctor. Prior to that was weight watchers and exercise.
Because of my license I am unable to recommend any medications. But trust me on one thing, what you learn in weight watchers and through the meetings has helped me all my life in choosing better food. Wish you well!
Weight loss pills are a waste of money and not good for your health. The only way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. There are no shortcuts especially if you want to keep the weight off. Sorry.
I agree with Dee, you may be able to buy these pills online but they can have unpleasant side effects and as mentioned above some kinds can be addictive. My opinion is that diet pills should only be used under medical supervision for people where the immediate risk to their health from their weight is greater than the risk from the pills.
If you lose weight on the pills but don't change anything to create healthier habits what happens when you stop taking them? The likelihood of regaining the weight (and more) is quite high and there starts the yoyo weight that many people struggle with for years.
It not so much about hurting or damaging your growing process at 17 as your long term health. I'm trying really hard to think of how to say this so it doesn't sound like I'm an old nag but I can remember at 17 long term health was something I thought I could worry about later in life but when you get to 30, 40, 50 and beyond you wish you'd looked after your health better , once problems start creeping in that are harder to fix when you're older.
Could you find a group of people for supportwho you could lose weight with in a more healthy way? Someone above mentioned weight watchers, or there are other meeting groups or online ones, there is a very friendly weight loss forum on health unlocked?
Good luck 😀
Weightloss pills come in all sorts of guises and most of them have dreadful side effects besides some of them are seriously addictive and can wreck your life!
Losing weight isn't always easy but you need to eat less and move more and have a healthy balanced diet. If you live at home speak to your mum and see if you can come up with a few meal plans to help you lose weight. Plus speak to your GP, he may be able to offer some help and guidance, but pills bought on line a definite NO!

Actually just saw your post again and realised you weigh 150lb. How tall are you? You may not be overweight by much at all. This weight would put me just at the bottom of the obese category but I'm only 4ft 10. You cannot possibly be overweight enough to need extreme measures. Please talk to someone in your family and your doctor, a healthy diet with a calorie deficit to allow you to lose about a pound a week until you are a healthy weight for your height would be all you need.
i'm 5'2
Ok so putting your age as 18 which you will be soon, and your height into the NHS BMI calculator you are one stone over the top of your healthy weight range or two stone above the middle of your healthy weight range. So yes it would benefit your health to lose some weight but that is definitely not enough weight to warrant desperate measures. The same calculator advises you would need to eat between 1590-2045 calories per day to lose weight at a safe steady rate. If you are very active eat towards the top end, if you dont get much exercise try halfway and see how you are going after a few weeks. This might feel slow and boring but it will mean you make sustainable changes so you'll stick to it and not put it all back on again when your diet ends. Good luck 😀
I've read so many articles and news stories that I wouldn't go anywhere near weight loss pills. The only way to lose weight is eat healthily and less and exercise. They say that 80% of our weight is down to what we eat and 20% the amount of exercise so exercise helps a lot but it's mainly our intake of food that is critical.
Very best of luck