Why do I get bloated so fast and my bloat is always huge? I eat smaller meals more often now, but I get bloated almost immediately and i'm not eating unhealthy foods. I drink peppermint tea to reduce my bloat but I don't always have peppermint tea with me of course. It's actually painful sometimes and really unpleasant, I just want to lie down and make it go away but I am revising and at school most of the time meaning I can't do anything about it. Help please?
Bloating: Why do I get bloated so fast and my... - Healthy Eating

hi lucy there are many foods that can cause bloating also irratibel bowel syndrome and stress are other factors for bloating. one thing i used to do to get relief from this was to drink a cup of boiled water after meals. let it cool slightly but dont cool it by running water from the tap it must have been boiled first. you are doing the right thing by having smaller meals. eat them slowly, many vegetable like sprouts and broccoli cauliflower cabbage onion. here are anther few suggestions I hope this is some help for you as its horribe when we start to feel our clothes are tight due to bloating.
High-fibre foods can cause you some discomfort and bloating especially if you do not eat them regularly. Since they are very important for a healthy digestive system, it is recommended to slowly increase the fibre intake in your diet to allow your body to adjust to them. You can get fibre from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Other dietary guidelines to reduce bloating are:
Eat one serving of cultured yogurt daily
Drink plenty of water daily
Stay away from carbonated beverages
Enjoy digestive aids such as Ginger, fennel and peppermint tea, with or after a meal.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily
If you are lactose intolerant, avoid normal milk and go for soy milk that is fortified with calcium and vitamin D, and consume dairy products in moderation
Hi hikasu2 ,
Really sorry to hear you're experiencing bloating. I think grace111 has given you a really comprehensive and helpful reply, and in addition, there is some information on the NHS Choices website about Bloating as well, that you could also take a look at, if you want to:
Good luck with your revision, and hope you get some relief, and that you're able to enjoy your weekend.
Thanks (: I'll be revising all weekend but i'll try !!
dont forget lucy try not to stress as stress makes us bloat to. sometimes when we hold our breath and then take in a deep gasp of air which i do sometimes when I'm nervouse or concentrating can make my stomach bloat out. dont forget, that hot water may not taste great but its very good for making the stomach go down and for making the bowels move. all the best lucy. have a lovely sunday. love grace xoxoxo 😻
Hi Lucy I have IBS and I have been drinking Kefir it's a goats milk but lactose free and it works wonders had no system since been drinking it can get from tesco large stores only not large tesco expresses its in polish section cost 1.40 a litre drink a small cup three times before meals tastes like off milk but you soon get used to it give it a go you could make milk shakes if you hate the taste good luck
Something you're eating must be the cause. Even healthy foods can cause a reaction if you have an allergy.
Have you tried removing wheat, or other foodstuffs you regularly consume, in a process of elimination? You may need to go without for several weeks to find out the root cause.
Try eating kefir twice s day. You might find your digestion improves if you have healthy gut bacteria.
Try kefir, it can help, it's helped myself and my daughter. You can buy the ready made drinks. You can buy grains and make your own every day, it's really easy.
Hilucyjenkins how's it going did you manage to get some Kefir and has it helped you may go to the loo at lot at first think it is cleaning out your pipes but your tummy will settle down hope it works keep me posted jac
You maybe swallowing air. This can cause bloating and pain.
Food chewing is important for digestion so make sure it is well broken down before swallowing.
Taking time to eat food is important and being relaxed so it is not hurried down. It gives your digestive system time to operate smoothly.