Good news for anyone doing Veganuary... - Healthy Eating
Good news for anyone doing Veganuary...
If you choose to go vegetarian, you have to watch the carbs. My brother, a vegetarian (or some variation thereof), lost 70 pounds he had gained from eating too much bread, pasta, etc by going LCHF but without meat. I think he eats fish. You CAN be a vegetarian, or vegan, or whatever, and still gain weight.
I've been vegetarian for almost 30 years, & know only 2 fat vegans & a few chubby vegetarians, out of hundreds. Anyone eating too many carbs will put on weight, me included. Like any healthy dietary choices, one must be careful to have a balance between calorie consumption & expenditure, as well as an adequate range of nutrients. Many Veg*ns I know have more trouble putting on weight than loosing it, but don't seem to lack energy. From my personal experience, & with people I know, the veg*n & non-veg*n weight issue seems to involve more of an issue with "treat" foods & lifestyle choices, just as it does with people who consume meat.
Going veggie for health, ethical, environmental reasons, even part-time in the case of Meat Free Mondays, suits some people, as does being a pescatarian. Hope your brother feels healthier on his current regime? I do!
Perhaps this was because they had an organic unprocessed diet, low in meat products, & high in fish caught before the seas around Japan became polluted. I have read the average Japanese person's height has increased in line with the consumption of a more Westernised meat based diet, but so has the correlation between diet, heart disease, & cancer.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by propaganda. There's a lot of research pointing towards a veg diet being healthy, if it's done properly.
Some people choose not to eat meat for reasons other than their own health, some because of it. Veg*ns do find it odd that other people get emotive about what we choose to put in our bodies!
No diet is a guarantee of health, but it can help when people get the right balance of nutrients to suit them.
Was the Okinawan study before the routine use of growth hormones & antibiotics, & factory farming practice? Did they eat processed pork? Did they consume as much as their bodies' needed, or as much as they wanted on white processed bread?
I've read that the latest generation of western children will be the first to have a shorter lifespan than their parents & grandparents, due to negative dietary choices.
Being veg*n isn't something that suits everyone, any more than eating meat does. I feel better for not doing so, & I'm guessing you do. Some people have never tried being veg*n, but perhaps might like to see if makes them feel healthier, hence posting this article.
I haven't seen the article, but could fish out (pardon the pun) several articles regarding the negative effects of meat consumption. We could go round in circles with this one, as people do look for things that back up personal preference. I do agree with you to some extent, with what you've said about carbohydrates being carcinogenic. I avoid processed carbs, & make an effort to eat organic wholefoods.
I happen to have disliked eating meat, & feel healthier on a veg diet.