What could be a better way to start the day then a cooked breakfast. 2 bacon 1 egg poached mushrooms toast cooked in the oven 320 cols
Cooked breakfast: What could be a better way... - Healthy Eating
Cooked breakfast

I prefer to start (& end) my day without carcinogens: who.int/features/qa/cancer-...
Sounds yummy.
Leverette just about everything we put into our bodies is harmful in some way, it is all about balance. Even Oxygen is slowly killing us because it destroys DNA...

We'd die a lot faster without it!

Actualy our DNA is programmed to destroy itself. There are plenty of other things that damage DNA besides oxygen. The free radical idea is not solid science.
To suggest that red meat is bad for you is totally wrong, red meat is a good source of protein vitamins, iron, zinc and minerals. I am currently doing a nutrition course so this is from my notes. In addition, I am anemic so need to eat meat twice a week to increase my iron levels unfortunately, I hardly eat any meat cos I like chicken but I am slowly getting into the habit of doing so at least once week.
I think it has to do with meat that is cooked rare - which I absolutely hate cos I don't want to see blood on my food.
There's no such thing as clean eating, it's a phrase coined to make money. It's about eating well and eating right, in other words, feeding your body with the right type of foods with nutrients.
What your nutrition course will not tell you is that we cannot digest cooked meat at all well. What is left over is nitrogenous waste and the body must spend precious resources to expell it.
They will also not tell you about the amount of funding that goes into promoting the myth that red meat has a significant health benefit.
They will not tell you that meat was eaten as a survival food and that the animal is also prized for other parts of its body to make tools and clothing.
You dont need to eat meat if you are anemic.
You dont want to see blood on your food, thats very sad. Yet you are happy to eat it.
You are very right that each person is different and must find out for themselves.
So my doctor must be wrong then, and as the one I saw at the hospital. Can you tell me exactly what qualities to make this statement considering the fact that my recent test has shown that my iron level has improved. Unless you are expert I don't think you are qualified to draw conclusions on my health.
Furthermore, I don't like the fact that you are putting down the course I'm doing. I'm trying to improve my qualuty of life/ a better career for myself so I do object to your comment.
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Hmm, my doctor s must be wrong. Considering the fact that I am actually getting better and not as tired as I used. I don't eat blood and I resent the fact that you are trying to dictate what I eat.
And what makes you qualified to tell me that I am wasting my time doing a nutrition course, I would really like to, please enlighten me some more as I am clearly not clued and need someone like to tell me how to run me my life.
Processed meat is not healthy, which is why the WHO has added it to the list of known carcinogens.
Chicken is also meat, & unless it's organic, is likely to be full of antibiotics & growth hormones. Raw or cooked processed food is likely to contain the same amount of harmful chemicals, so I've no idea where you could have read that cooking will make it healthier, rather than kill bacteria & make it digestible. Perhaps ask your lecturer about this if you don't understand.
Clean eating is about eating unprocessed, preferably organic food, to avoid agri-chemicals, excess sugar, artificial flavourings, salt, etc, & cooking & storage processes which lower nutrition. For some people, this includes grass fed or organic unprocessed organic meat, fish & dairy products.
Your body is your own, & you can put as much good or bad food into it as you want, but you shouldn't dictate that known unhealthy food is beneficial based on your own preference.
I am well aware of processed meat not been healthy. I was referring to the trend of the label Clean eating. In other words, it's not about names that are constantly throufht at us but education.
I have been into healthy eating for 17 years but I decided to do a nutrition course. So no I am not ignorant I do a lot of reading/research I have my own personal nutritionist and a blog.
You defended eating bacon, therefore gave me the impression that you are ignorant.
I'm not sure what you mean by throufht.
Education should involve the health benefits of eating real/clean food, not processed unhealthy food. This is a Healthy Eating forum, after all.
Clean eating foodstuffs tend to have no labels, aside from "use by" dates, country of origin, & perhaps organic. It's certainly not a trend.
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I put this on about breakfast and yes I will eat meat and yes I do like it I have lost a total of 5 stone in two years I have gave up drinking and smoking I can run 30 km + if I'm know get told a bit of bacon trimed up is bad then you can shove it !!!!
Good for you gareth0073 and well done on your weight loss so far.
Raw natural foods that give you nutrients and clean out your body.
As opposed to foods that tax your system and pollute your body.
The only decent thing on your menu is mushrooms.
Your body cannot digest cooked egg or meat well, it is not a furnace.
What's the purpose of stomach acid and enzymes then?
This is just a joke I'm coming of this site before I say something rude to a few people good luck eating air !!!
With you there, Gareth, but I would have a second egg. I microwave my mushrooms before finishing them off in the non stick frying pan. I would add a small slice of bread or half a large slice toasted under my eggs. Also I would have half a plate of tomatoes too. Sets me up till afternoon tea break!
Sorry to come back but I've had time to read all the other postings and am with Dee and Gareth on the red meat/bacon issue. It is only the fact that our diet has improved in amount and content that allows us to survive long enough to have the age linked illnesses. Lots of people use terms like clean eating as shorthand to explain what they are comfortable eating. And it's a free country and we can all hold the opinions we like and eat how we want. Luckily the human is an omnivore so we can cope with most versions of managed eating.
Dee, I hear that you really aren't keen on your red meat. Have you looked for other iron bearing options? McCance and Widdowson's analysis is really good for this. You might want to look at eggs, baked beans, (and probably other pulses if you check), apricots, chocolate and cocoa (!). You might be happier eating your beef as corned beef and liver as pate. Lidl do quite a nice low fat one. Also it is probably always worth making sure that your iron bearing meal has a good dose of vitamin C in it too as that helps uptake. I am really envious of your nutrition course sounds great fun.