Hello, my name is Debbie. My weight is now at 12 stone exactly. I'm 5 ft 2 1/2 in and 57 years old Hoping today will be a fresh start for me, I have for several years dieted and not needed to loose any weight. My dad died 2014 and it has and is affecting me still, I eat anything that's food especially sweet stuff, its got to a point that I am now nearly 3 stone heavier than I was then. . I can't exercise as suffer badly with Fybromyalgia (feeling tired all the time) and Osteoarthritis, I can manage walks and in the summer do some gardening weather permitting of course! This picture was taken last summer in Wales, it wasn't until then that I realized how much bigger I'd got. To be honest I wasn't going to put a picture on this site but think by staring at myself looking like this it may help! I really need some support and think the best way to loose weight is doing it the proper way by eating less calories. Slimmers World, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Cabbage soup diets and more besides are not healthy options in my opinion. So up and onwards....
HELP!: Hello, my name is Debbie. My weight is... - Healthy Eating

Hi Debbie my name is Viv and I weigh 14 stone at present my height is 5ft 8" so have a bit to loose, I happened across this site yesterday and love it as it does not cost anything to take part.
I am not brave enough to put a photo up yet but hopefully as the weight drops off I will do.
Good luck with your journey
THANK YOU Viv, yes the thing that attracted me was its FREE and lets face it you don't get much of that these days! A lady called Charlene1 is advising me how to go back to healthy eating. I am glad I put my picture up as I think I would duck out of it and ignore my size, I have full length mirrors up and downstairs but never glance in them as I get depressed seeing how fat I've got lately Good luck with the diet keep in touch xx
Hi Debbie. Well done for posting your picture I too will need encouragement and know I need to stop eating rubbish which is how I find myself at five foot two and over twelve stone feeling yuk. I did loose weight using this app before so here I am back again ready to loose best of luck to you
hi Chazzle thank you for replying, I am not using the heathunlocked package, which is shakes and pills, I prefer to use my own method of healthy eating and cutting portion sizes. I had a good day yesterday and hoping I can do it again today! I have very little will power hence the pic!! Good luck with losing weight xx
I think you got the right approach about faddy diets that don't keep off weight. Brave to put up the photo as a reminder. Its interesting that you eat anything edible! That might be your first step. Write down everything (every little scrap) that you eat for a week. Get one of the free apps that calculate your food intake and what you should eat. Then compare with your actual consumption . I think once you realise what you are eating then you can start to cut down on the amount.
I also have fybro ( likely diagnosed by GP) and very bad osteoarthritis. I manage a short walk most days and do stretching to keep flexible. Otherwise nothing but I do maintain my weight by just eating less. No second helpings and minimal sweet baking or puddings.
I do wish you luck but you have got the right attitude.
Let us know how you get on.
I use a great free App called My Fitness Pal which helps me to set weight loss goals, monitor daily calories and exercise too. There is even a helpful Forum too. I have lost 26 lbs now. I agree that the groups are not me
Hi JoolieB1 well done with the weigh loss. Yes been there done that re groups but finding it pretty easy to stick to a calorie counted diet I lost 3lb this week so am chuffed and have incentive to keep at it!