Realy like to lose a stone in next 6-8 weeks-any ideas most welcome-is walking also a good exercise to help lose weight-Im 55 and put on around 2 stone in weight and not happy with it as have no energy
Need To Lose a Stone: Realy like to lose a... - Healthy Eating
Need To Lose a Stone

That seems a realistic goal. Two pounds a week. Exercise alone won't help with weight loss but it will make you healthier.
My husband does a high intensity fat burning type workout 5 times a week but doesn't lose weight as his eating stays the same. He went on a cycling holiday where he was riding 90- 100 miles a day. He put on weight as he was eating energy bars and drinking beer.
Exercising makes you feel better about yourself so you are more motivated to stick with healthy eating.
Good luck. I hope you lose that stone.
hi there would now did you do it then
I recommend following the nhs 12 week plan. I'm losing on average about 1-2lb/week. Record everything using the myfitnesspal app and measure your portions to make sure they're healthy sized. I also did couch to 5k earlier in the year which helped me lose a few lbs but importantly also got me into a regular exercise routine. I'm also just trying to lose about 1 1/2 stone, it may seem like not that much but you do have to really focus on making changes.
Hello Ollie
How are you. I am 57 and have also put on 2 stone due to illness. How are you planning to achieve this as maybe we could help each other
Its simple, eat and drink healthily. Sugars are the real problem, they are hidden everywhere! Check the labels. If you want to lose weight don't diet, because 'diet' should be defined as 'a temporary fix'. Most people who reach their target weight then go back to eating the foods that gave them the problem in the first place. You must change your eating habits for life, not 6-8 weeks.
Replace processed food with fresh fruit and vegetables, a minimum of five a day. I do 8-10 portions of fruit a day alone, 5-6 in my lunch box and the rest as and when I feel peckish in the evening, its great, i'm eating myself healthy. Remember to keep apples in the fridge, they stay crisp and fresh for weeks and taste great, find the variety you like most and enjoy! The health gains are the real bonus here. If you are not too keen on eating fruit 'as is' from the store then make it more interesting by making a large fruit salad (enough for 3-4 days snacking) based on halved red/white grapes and chopped apples (red and green), fresh pineapple and firm honeydew melon etc. Avoid fruit that goes soggy and disintegrates, (strawberries, raspberries etc) I use natural apple juice to top up the liquid and squeeze in the juice of a lime (to sharpen and avoid to sweet a taste) and finely grate in an oxo cube sized piece of fresh ginger, the ginger will enable your body to radiate health and vitality, it is 'superfood'. Just don't let the kids eat it all! Forget biscuits, cakes and sweets. That can easily become the short cut to obesity because its hard to stop eating them once you've started! Unless you have extremely high willpower. I don't so I just avoid those isles in the supermarket, its much easier! Remember that 5 crisps = 50 cals! 1 can of soft drink = 12-18 level teaspoons of sugar! Chocolate as a treat and regulate your alcohol consumption. Obviously watch your fat consumption as well. Exercise as much as you can. All the info you need is on the internet, much cheaper than books and weight loss classes - use it.
Just remember- What you eat today, you wear tomorrow.
Good luck!
Leave the numbers aside for the moment and focus on your well being. I suggest embarking on an outside walking programme will undoubtedly empower you and enable you to feel more positive, energetic and in control.
When I have fallen off the wagon I sign up to Wendy Bumgardner's which gets me back on track. I do not follow it slavishly, the daily e-mails are in the main interesting, informative and keep your mind on the job without making you feel threatened. In time you will set your own goals.
I would also like to endorse what others have already written about diet and My Fitness Pal and I agree whole heartedly with their views. Some good quality simple unprocessed food and embarking on a walking programme will soon raise your energy levels and once you have made a start only then think about the numbers!
One final thing. Try to enjoy what you eat and the ritual of eating so that the changes you make can be sustainable. For me the 'novelty' this time around has been juicing. I enjoy the intense flavours from making my own largely vegetable based juices - one a day. For cooler days - raw soups. I am a vegetarian so none of this is a hardship.
Oh and just one more thing. I personally feel 2lb a week is a bit too ambitious. 1.5lb would be my maximum target and I would be more than happy with 1lb, that way you are never disappointed!
Good Luck
I have lost 3 and a half stone since last year.I did'nt go on a diet I just started wallking every day and then jogging.I cut down my portion sizes as at 5 ft 2 I am the height of a 12 year old and yet I was eating the same amount as my daughter and husband who are much taller and bigger boned.I stopped eating lots of bread and biscuits and snacked on fruit,almonds,seed seeds,etc.I also cut out sugary fruit juices and replaced them with water. I have relaxed a bit now as I was still loosing weight and did'nt want to, however I now love exercising and eating healthy and my family have joined me.
Hi im 59 and because of an accident and opperations a too have gained several stone over this past year, I joined the livewell program, went to the weight loss program its great , they give such great advise on changing your eating habits , they also put me in touch with the livewell chair exercise class and also the tai chi class , wow what a work out, and in my case at the moment both can be done seated , I've lost just over a stone but have a long way to go, but cant get to any of the classes at moment due to just having an opperation and awaiting the next, but walking is a good start , good luck