I'm finding it really difficult to lose weight and wonder if the menopause is making it a lot harder. Does anyone have tips or ideas for losing weight during the menopause? I also have an underactive thyroid which slows my metabolism. I used to be able to do intermittent fasting (eating only between 11am and 7pm), and lose a stone fairly quickly but it just doesn't work anymore 😕
Weight loss during menopause - impossible?? - Healthy Eating
Weight loss during menopause - impossible??

Others have this problem with weight loss being more scientific than most think, particularly where hormones etc are involved. It may be able to be resolved by a qualified Nutritional Therapist specialising in weight management - if that's of interest?

Good evening Marsalossa, I am in the same boat, I have an underactive thyroid and our metabolic rate is lower meaning we don't burn of the calories as well as others might, so I would suggest having a blood test to check your TSH and FT3 - maybe you need a little more medication or If you can , are you able to exercise a little more? That will help increase your metabolic rate.
Beat wishes
I definitely need to exercise more Kitten-whiskers, and think I'm stuck in a bit of a loop with the whole lack of energy to exercise issue. I know I'd have more energy if I exercised - I need to establish a routine! Thanks very much for responding.

You're not alone! Many women find weight loss becomes more difficult with menopause.
These days, I think the general feeling is that intermittent fasting isn't ideal for thyroid and/or menopause, most of the research supporting it is based around male observations, and assumed it will work for women. IF can also lower your T4 and T3 levels, which is less ideal for thyroid. It's worth getting those checked to see if they are adequate.
I'm not yet menopausal but I've worked with a nutritionist going through menopause, who said she found blood sugar balance helpful. It'd involve things like exercising after eating (a quick walk or some lunges), avoiding snacking between meals, and balanced meals with adequate protein. That might be a good place to start. I found some useful info on glucose management from "The Glucose Goddess", although she's a bit vague about the research backing it.
Male sure that you don't have allergies or intolerances of certain foods, they aren't always obvious! What I have experienced is sudden weight gain when I have eaten something risky.
You could benefit from natural bio identical progesterone cream bc progesterone decreases with menopause bc the ovaries stop producing progesterone leaving the adrenal glands as the only source of progesterone
However adrenal fatigue can mess up progesterone production from adrenal glands
Progestetone helps to convert t4 to t3
Biovea is a trusted brand
Fasting doesnt benefit hypothyroidism