Does this ever get better ive had this be two years aug 3rd and seems im getting worse
Struggling: Does this ever get better ive had... - Heal My PTSD

Hi, danette: It takes time, work, and patience. Some of us have had to try a lot of things before we started to get better. And it's not a straight line. Some days will be better, some worse. But it does get better over time.
I wish I knew that answer. I feel the same way. All I hear anymore is "hang in there, it does get better !" Ptsd has really taken my personality away. I can't answer your question but I want you to know that you are not alone!
Yes, Danette, it does get better. But for me it felt worse for a while - which was just me coming back to life and not being as numb. So I felt my feelings and symptoms more deeply. But like HealingArtist said, with time, work and patience, things will improve. I too have tried many things - some with greater success than others.
Ty all xoxo
It seems like it takes a team of helpers to keep me moving forward. I only know what has helped me...therapy, medication. Exercise, massage and nis chiropractic care. This combination has helped me move forward slowly. Hope you find your team of helpers.
Hello! It takes time. Patience is key. Remember to celebrate small success. I have days when I can not get out of the bed, but there are days that are just peachy. I'm glad you are here for support. Sometimes its darkest before day. The sun will shine!