Right temporal extramural Haematoma,
Small interparanchymal haemorrhage In both frontal lobes
Skull fracture rh side
Surgery right Temporal-parietal craniotomy
Above is the list of injury’s sustained and surgery.
I have the last few weeks been attending Sheffield Brain injury center to try to better understand the injury sustained and the effects it has on me. Even though it was nearly 20 years ago 3.10.2002.
I didn’t remember the above and found out that the damage to the frontal lobes and some hearing issues that I wasn’t aware of. It’s strange how subtle these can be or how easy I can hide them along with depression and fatigue. When I had the accident I had to give consent for the operation and the surgeon who I owe my life did say you will have problems after this including depression. I think I have made great progress in this time although I have not become 100% of the pre accident person. We finished the last appointment and have another booked to discuss mindfulness which I’m really looking forward to. It will be interesting to see how they view the
MEME Change your thoughts and you’ll change your world.
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