Long story, don't want to TLDR. Had car accident as toddler, possible skull fractures. Never talked about in the family. Didn't really find out about it until I was in my 30s. I have always had really poor coordination, can't catch a ball etc. Could my brain injury have caused clumsiness? I don't have any other classic symptoms like cognitive dysfunction. Also, it's weird to discover you're a brain injury survivor in your thirties and I'm now in my sixties and I've done nothing about it - I feel like an imposter.
TBI as a child - could it have caused my 'clumsine... - Headway
TBI as a child - could it have caused my 'clumsiness'?
Hi there. I think your clumsiness could well be related to your skull fractures. I have a congenital brain injury. I have always been clumsy too with very little hand-eye coordination. Playing sports has always been hell for me as I'm useless at both throwing and catching a ball.
Thank you! I've always felt like a total klutz and hated PE lessons etc at school. I did CrossFit for a few years in my fifties and it actually improved my coordination (mind you, it was hours of bouncing a ball or jumping on and off a two inch step with my coach's support) and now I wonder if I should try and get some support to improve my balance and coordination. I don't fancy later life as a person who's very prone to falling over and walking into walls, both of which I do when I'm tired. But I don't know where to start.
Yeah, same here re PE. I feel your pain! I understand about the concern in your last few sentences as well and this is also something I'm also concerned about. I tried looking at exercises online that might help with balance. It recommended stuff like standing on one leg and walking in a line heel to toe. I don't know if this will help cognitively but I might give it a try.
Good luck