Yes, shocked me. I was cooking dinner and I just kept blinking to try to sort it out. Left me shaky and tired. Out of hours doc said it sounded like a partial focal seizure and to go to A&E, I didnt. Havent experienced it before and I am not feeling too bad now. Just wondered what you think. I do have momentary vacant feelings from time to time, only seconds long and I just sit still and dont speak. They pass. The doc didnt do anything about this and it only happens now and then. Is this new experience different? Or does anyone have this and does it pass?
Sudden loss of sight for seconds, bright lights at... - Headway
Sudden loss of sight for seconds, bright lights at the left side of my vision and real weakness and fatigue straight after.

Have a word with your own GP Deborah. The episodes sound quite like Absence seizures which can hit with no apparent trigger and 'freeze' you for several minutes then leave you feeling exhausted.
I gather they're not dangerous. My neighbour has them and his wife describes him as resembling a 'Duck in a thunderstorm' whilst they're happening (10-15mins) and he's good for nothing for a while afterwards.
Get checked out m'love ; knowledge is the best policy when faced with new symptoms. Take care, Cat x
Thankyou cat, I think so too. The lights flashing were a bit weird and not being able to see for a few seconds did make me wobble. I am tired but struggling to get over to sleep as usual. I will see how I go, doc said A&E but 6 or more hours waiting doesnt feel like a great idea. Have a dull headache, nothing to write home about. I think sleep would help. Take care Cat and thankyou so much. Xx
I was going to ask if a headache had developed. Migraine maybe ?
Just a thought...…
Hope you get a good sleep and assess it again tomorrow. Nite-nite xx
How are things today Deborah ? x
Hi Cat, went into work but had to go to doc, just back getting my stuff and I have to go to hospital. Doc not speaking properly about brain injury as usual. So annoying. Thankyou so much for your messages. Xx
Hope you get answers ! Please update when you can.... x
Hi Cat, home from hospital. Very little understanding of brain injury, but they did some tests and couldn't say why this happened. A lot of maybe this and maybe that.... they reassured me that my heart is ok, my blood pressure ok, nothing worrying behind my eyes etc... so, I will just put it to one side and try not to get overtired and take on so much. I did that all last week and regret it. Lesson learned, none the wiser and still in the land of the living. Thankyou Cat for your support. Xx
OK m'love. Thanks for letting me know. It took me months to get a diagnosis when I developed AF...….then 3 more weeks before it was discovered that further symptoms were down to an prescription error (by the consultant) meaning I'd been overdosing daily. 😧
It can be a minefield, but good to hear you've been checked over today. Look after yourself and don't be overdoing things ; oh, and keep an eye out for possible triggers to any further episodes..... Keep in touch ! Love Cat x
Thankyou Cat. I am taking a bed rest day and will go in to work tomorrow. Hopefully whatever it was doesnt happen again. I am so frustrated at a report that a neurologist wrote following an MRI a couple of years ago, completely wrong information on it. It has really impacted negatively on how I am treated. How on earth does anyone change that! I wont ever be treated appropriately because of it. Thankyou so much for your support Cat. Xx
I'm really sorry you've had so little understanding of your issues since day one. But regards your medical history, I assume you know that you can contact the relevant healthcare provider to dispute comments you consider inaccurate and they're duty bound to respond.
If they refuse to remove or amend the offending wording you're entitled to have your opinion noted, alongside theirs, on your medical notes.
One last thing m'love….. have you talked with your optician about the flashes of light ? He/she could check for any irregularities and, if any is spotted, they'd probably refer you to an ophthalmologist for further checks. I was checked last year for peripheral interferences and the surgeon was especially interested in flashes of light as it can suggest retinal issues (it was migraine related in my case).
Hope you get lots of rest today Deborah. See you soon.. Cat x
Thankyou Cat, I have held back from challenges as I found his approach quite intimidating and I suppose at that time I also felt quite vulnerable. I am due a visit to the optician, I will go asap. I am taking time out today, just lounging in my pyjamas. I am tired and today will hopefully help get me ready for work tomorrow. I really appreciate your help and advice. Thankyou, I hope you are well. Xx
Hi Deborah when I was 14 puberty hit me and I have had epilepsy since now an old dear !! Some say they had a seizure after a bleed and I had quite a few after my bleed as guess I am prone to them. They were just getting less frequent in my old age like 1 a year or every 2 years. Was a shock to me and I have had them for years . Some say after they have had them after a bleed they get less frequent. Keep you chin up and lets hope you are one of the ones who get rid of them xxxx Good luck and head up xxxx Will not tell you not to panic as I still do lol xxxxx
I had an occular something when I was out. It was like someone had turned the lights out for a minute. I went to the optician who diagnosed what had happened. So it might be worth getting your eyes checked. The treatment was about a year, with six months of checks to follow. The eyes can tell a lot about your health.