I’ve taken in to account all your replies and doctors advice. For now I will stay away from antidepressants . Next week I’ll want to go back on them. God I need to shout up. My head is racing.
No no no : I’ve taken in to account all your replies... - Headway
No no no

Why such a downer on antidepressants?
Sometimes they are medically needed, it may be your brain no longer makes sufficient serotonin to cope with stress that you deal with. And having a brain injury is very stressful for us all.
If you had diabetes and needed insulin you would take it, if you had high blood pressure you would take the medication. This is no different.
For some reason people see taking antidepressants as a negative stigma.
I have posted openly about my need to take antidepressants, mine is linked with lack of sunshine, my GP and I established this many years ago, I need a sunshine holiday in the winter or antidepressants! It’s the way I am and 3 of my children too.
If you really don’t want the anti’ds then look into purchasing a daylight lamp or taking the over the counter 5HTP. It’s winter and strong sunshine is not available, maybe this affects you too.
Don’t suffer something when the solution is a relatively easy one. It may be your GP has not found the right antidepressant for you, there are many out there.
Take care
Janet, it’s not that I’m against antidepressants,it’s just I’m afraid if I started I would become dependant on them and you hear so many stories, good and bad .
But I understand where your coming from and appreciate your advice,x
Patrick, antidepressants today are not like they used to be. There is much less of a dependency chance than there used to be.
If I need them in the winter I need a very low dosage and only take them for about 4 months then a couple of weeks to stop taking them , then back to normal, whatever that is.
I was put on a low dosage when I was in hospital after my coma and took those for 3+ years, it still only took 2 weeks to stop taking them.
But I do appreciate I am not you and you have to be comfortable with your medication.
Janet x
Hi Patrick, have you given the anti-depressants a chance? It takes some weeks for them to start working. There was an article on breakfast tv this morning saying that a study has been done into them, and they have decided that more people would benefit from them.
Try and have a calm day, rest as much as you can, it will help your racing brain.
Patrick, tranquillisers (anti-anxiety meds) are extremely addictive if over used, but antidepressants not so. I've taken them for over 30 years and have never had an addiction problem.
You could say I'm dependent because when I stop them I revert to becoming agitated and depressed without them.......... but that's the whole point.............they work.
Calming racing thoughts is what they do best so, though it's obviously your choice, that choice should be an informed one..........and you won't suffer dependency from antidepressants.
Look after yourself Pat ; we care about you. Cat x
Please don't be tempted to do what I did at the beginning and fight it.
I wasn't depressed I was in constant pain in my head .
It was only when it was explained to me (over a year on) that although the medication proposed for me was widely known as an antidepressant over the many years of its use it had been found to be very effective for some cases of brain injury where the pain is neurogenic.
It may just be the key to a lot more freedom for you.
Hope this helps.
Finally someone on my side , ya I’m managing ok ish, otherwise I wouldn’t be thinking about going on the meds . For now I’m staying away from them , I honestly believe I can do it , fight the moods etc , I do work 20 hours a week . That’s keeping me busy and and I walk as mush as I can
Hi Pat-rick1, I on antidelephants after. My brain is racing always, never have help with anybody (speech lady's was great). If people can understand more. I got nobody to help me, I can't work. If there was a good group to listening and helpful to post you to the right direction well be good.
Hi cj195
I appreciate your advice , but I’ve decided not to for now , I’m doing all I can being positive is key .. just rise above it every thing. That’s me today. Tomorrow I’ll Be singing a different tune 😒😏😒😏
Modern antidepressants are not addictive and they do work for most people when the right one is found.
I had a strong aversion to medication, so I went the CBT route, which for me was a waste of time, in fact the Neropsychatrist told me later that I'd been having an unsuitable therapy. So after that I thought last shot and they've certainly helped me, of course we're all different.
Excuse not reading All articles, reading stress. Australia a consideration move? No bad vibe intended.