i have been looking for help dealing with dabilitating fatigue, blowing money on supplements talking to doctors, but to no avail.headway helped me to understand what is going on. i will save my money going forward .united states needs somethingl ike this
no undestanding here: i have been looking for help... - Headway
no undestanding here

Welcome m'dear. I hope you'll find some answers and feel at home here.
Cat x
Glad you're finding Headway a good resource. I have CFS (the rollercoaster variety) and can empathise and understand where you are at. I think mine was caused by "burnout" after returning to work too soon after a brain injury and several severe stresses at the time. I seem to spend most of my time resting and pacing (to no real avail) and researching the subject online. One of the leading treatment and research centres for CFS/ME sufferers is the Optimum Health Clinic in London. You need not attend but read and subscribe to the site; theoptimumhealthclinic.com/ for interest and ideas on psychological and health tools.
They also have an online 'Fatigue Super Conference' about to begin (tomorrow) with a hundred specialists from around the world, on the subject. May be worth your while to sign up quick for that - its free!!
Fatigue is awful. I've had a day of Bath then rest and shaky. Nausea from getting downstairs. Head aching from movement. Even digesting food is tiring and makes my head burn. I've also spent loaf's on supplements but I'm sure they must help. Some days pacing can really help others best to just rest . Very difficult I know I'm really trying to go with the flow but very frustrating. I've had leaflets from headway which are very helpful. Take care
Time is the only thing that helps, patience and time

Yes I agree. I'm 8 months in . It's the not knowing how long you have to wait to make improvements .
I'm only 5 months in, it's extremely frustrating. The thought of going back to work has kept me going so far, now beginning to think it may not happen but slowly adjusting to my new life

That's all we can do. Every day at a time. Take care

l know what you mean 'im lucky to get a shower each day I can't imagine being able to hold down a job!
You have my sympathy, with fatigue the only supplement I have found that helps a little is frankincense oil.
The best things I have found is routine and repetition, keeping life as simple as possible, and pacing myself. It's not easy, but I have also learnt what triggers it/makes it worse.
Very occasionally I get fatigue for no apparent reason.
I wrote a poem recently about fatigue, I'll post it later.
Rachel x

looking forward to your poem. I think limiting screen time might help meaws well as eating breakfast earlier
I posted the poem in a separate post the other day 😁
Hi ancientaliens, great name by the way, give us all a bit of background about your fatigue etc and I'm sure people here will throw a few ideas your way. Beat the fatigue.

n a bad day I wake up exhausted, and at that point I might as well,give into it and rest that day. on a good day I'M able to get up and about my busines, but many times wihin 2-3 hours i'll bottom out.my typing is a bit rough sometimes, sorry.I lost much of my vision with my stroke I am trying some vitamins that include herbs for adrenal support,which seems to have helped limit the bad days to 1-2 a week.that's great.the vitamins are a multicalled sunergy. it includes c,l-Theanine, coenzymecq10,zinc,magnesium, etc. its manufaxtured by vitacost here stateside, but im sure something similar can be found in uk. by the way, i love uk! may need to visit ifi have energy some day!, thats on my bucket list to visit my anceasterol home in Wales thanks all for your supportneeed to take a screen break, talk to you soon, peace out
Hi ancientalien, I'm a TBI myself, have no idea about strokes, they say there are similar symptoms. I think a really good idea would be for you to wait till you are a bit fresh and write a new post with stroke in the heading and stroke suffers and carers would throw in plenty of advice if you asked. I really would do that. Not sure what your medical insurance covers but there's a doctor called William Padula with a clinic in the US somewhere ( yes I know the US is big), he is supposed to be excellent all round, tbi and strokes etc.
Odd to hear you mention Wales, that's where I'm from and live, right in the heart of Snowdonia.
Wish you well, get in touch anytime if you just want a chat or help, that would be the same I guess from anyone here.
Hi Ancient, I had a SAH in 2009 and never awoke until 2010. You don't say why you are feeling this way did you have a brain bleed? as that tires us out. Speak later when you are not so tired !!
I live in the US now but we were living in London when I had my aneurysm,SCH. in April 2013. It does get better but more over I think you learn what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s a process that’s long but with time I think you find ways to deal. Welcome and hope you love the site as much as I do!
It seems to differ with people, for myself saying no to things I know will hurt, such as loud pubs, really take it out of me, but a 70 mile bike ride no problems! oddly i find walking harder work! I do know why and it makes sense but still amuses me.
in short learning what does and doesn't work well and trying to manage it, ie not do everything today, and delegate.