Hi all just writing to see if anybody has any info or ideas about the following I have been turned down for funding by social services to go to an headway day centre as I did not meet the criteria so I am trying to find a Charity to offer me a grant to enable me to go thanks
charity grants: Hi all just writing to see if... - Headway
charity grants

Contact youre local headway branch,they do emergency funding of up to 500 good luck!
If you have links to certain professions (armed forces, police, fire brigade, nursing, teaching, mining all spring to mind) many have organisations with funds you might be able to apply for... There may be local charities or religious organisations in your area that might be able to offer some help or signpost you in the right direction...but Headway would probably be the first port of call as they may know of funding streams...but if you failed to meet the criteria to be considered for social services funding they may not be able to help either.
I wish you luck with this....in the meantime it might be worth investigating to see if there is anything else in your area that you could go to if not Headway?
I experienced a similar situation recently when referred to SS. But because I didn't need help with personal care I didn't meet the criteria for any service for them at all. Likewise I had been referred to them with the intention they would help with my BI difficulties, social isolation, anxiety, depression etc by engaging me into rehab activities but they said they couldn't fund anything as don't have access to any monies to do so. I was expected to be able to self fund £60 a day to attend 3 days a week at a rehab centre. I struggle to make ends meet finacially for my son and I so how I was meant to be paying £18O per week possibly for a year I really don't know. When I spoke with Headway about it they also pointed me in the direction of SS as said if there was a 'need' then SS do have a fund to fund it. Think it is another of those postcode lottery's were different Local Authorities use there monies in different ways and in some areas they do fund these things.
Hi Comanchero,
You were turned down to go to a Headway day centre by social services? I was under the impression that it was your decision t go, or to fund, whoever you like.
AS IForget says look to resource charities you may previously be linked to. I volunteer for a housing charity for homeless and insecurely housed , and managed to secure through Lighthouse charity £500 for a client to use as a deposit. He was previously a carpenter before he suffered health issues. often charities like this are not advertised so it is really search . Homeworks we have in our area in Sussex assist people with all issues, debt, housing, health problems. Perhaps Google and see if there is one in your area. If you can think of any industry, previous work you had, regilious or even hobbies they may be able to help.
I am volunteering on Thursday am. If I can help you I would gladly help. If you can give some tips of above I have a search at work for you. You can private message me
Good luck
sem 2011 thanks for reply am doing as you say but no luck yet