I'm due to go to an appointment today for trauma therapy, and I'm on edge. Its not the appointment I have had 3 and found they have helped me. Its the ambulance transport. I've had five appointments booked one they left me waiting two and a half hours after my appointment to be picked up. The last two appointments they've failed to pick me up. I can't drive anymore, my partner can't drive, I don't have anyone to take me other than the ambulance service. I have had to make 3 complaints to PALS where the complaint i believe has as now gone high up. It takes a lot for me to get up and get ready, I have to dose painkillers and muscle spasms, sit and watch the clock and see if they turn up. Fingers crossed they will today as its my last chance, if they don't I've got to give up sessions with this particular therapist and go back on the waiting list.
Stressful day ahead: I'm due to go to an appointment... - Headway
Stressful day ahead
So sorry this is happening to you but it is a problem in some areas and is frequently an issue on the news. Are there any organisations like 'Hands' in your area who have volunteers that transport people to and from appointments etc and you just pay them the petrol costs?
There is but they are as expensive as a taxis and not very reliable

Sorry that wasn't a helpful suggestion but the only possibility I could think of as you said your partner, friends, taxi etc are not options. My friends husband works for Hands and he's very reliable, and people ask specifically for him, but I guess there are other people who aren't.
Thank you for caring StrawberryCream I have had many battles with the ambulance service, and nhs. I think because I had to make the decision that this would be the last chance and that I couldn't keep putting myself through the stress and also each time they fail me I lose one of my eight appointments. I think making that decision has made me feel a lot calmer x

Everything seems so difficult doesn't it! I have had an awful time with the NHS as well mostly because bi services are very limited.
Hope all goes well and transport is smoother. Worth a last minute reminder call to them ?
Take a book, pen and paper just in case you are waiting.
Good luck
Thanks Moo fingers crossed it will go ok
Thanks to my TBI and the resultant intractable epilepsy I've never driven; for that matter I've never relied on ambulances or hospital transport. I used to ride a bike until arthritis started in my hip and knees and now its public transport and sometimes a minicab.
Inconvenient? Yes. Get there on time? Every time.
That makes me feel better- I tried driving lessons a few times in my 20's but the instructors really stressed me out so I never reached the point I felt comfortable enough to continue. I stopped worrying about not driving but now I have my son I feel I will be an insufficient mother in the future (if that's the right word). Lately I have felt less bothered as I hate cars and his dad is a total petrol-head so he can help when he visits him on Sunday's. When I took my son to swimming lessons we got buses in the dark in winter so I gave that up as it was too much of a struggle. I think it will affect us a bit but lets hope I can get cycling again when I have a house. I worry about cycling on these roads nowadays. I didn't care much in my 20's and even cycled up to central London when I was 28, over Tower Bridge- one of the highlights of my life!!!
Hi I was also going to ask about transport organisations as where i used to live there was a company called Dial a ride and Door 2 door. I've never used them (just know of them) and don't know how reliable these type of companies are.
It must be hard especially with all the waiting around and added stress of not knowing if you're getting a lift or not. I also empathise on the not driving, since my stroke i haven't returned to driving although passed as medically fit to drive. I am hoping to return to it at some point.
Well fingers crossed you had a good day yesterday, please let us know how you got on. x