insurance: well it seems the insurance company have... - Headway


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red_spinel profile image
5 Replies

well it seems the insurance company have to visit me for 'an inspection'..apparently going back to work is a cure for my health problems...

i find it odd that someone from an insurance company can argue with my GP, my neurolgist, my cardiolist and my orthapeadic surgeon,,,lol..ok rant over. its 6.30 in the morning and ive been up for hours again..

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5 Replies

Rant seems perfectly acceptable, I'd be the same. Can I suggest that you have someone with you when the insurance company visits. It might make you feel more confident & they may be able to reinforce your answers. Perhaps someone who knows the difficulties you face daily, or a support worker from somewhere like Headway? Insurance companies (& job centers) seem to work under different rules & don't accept anybodies word for anything! Best wishes

StrawberryCream profile image

I am thinking that Insurance Companies employ an Doctor/Medical adviser to do this aspect of the work. It does seem odd that they won't accept the reports from GP and specialists however in todays society with such an escalation of claims and increasing fraudulence I suppose it is to be expected. If they can weedle out of some payments then I guess they are going to try and do that. However, it is unfair on the genuine claimants as with the Benefits situation.

Best wishes

Johnny-One profile image

It is more than likely that the insurance people were sent by the employer, that is assuming you are still have an employer. If that is the case you are being encouraged to be brought back to work possibly to make you redundant. Sorry that sounded so negative, but it happened to me. I get so cynical when insurance people are involved because they are never interested in your welfare.

I hope you continue to improve whatever the outcome of the professionals around you. Whilst you do have to live in the real world, I really hope you have a good network of family and friends that support you through your sufferings … that part is more important. I know it has been a long hard run over many years for me.

I am back in employment and am feeling OK, I just don’t tell the professionals around me how I really feel any more.


Unfortunately It is nothing new for Insurance Companies to check up on Sickness / Injury claims

even in 1985 ( when I had a short time off sick ) I passed a DWP medical but still had to go for a medical for the Insurance Company

Good Luck

I've been told to get some sort of certificate from my doctor = but I haven't got a doctor, they all refuse to be my doctor. Given up trying to explain and get help, BAD big patch (excema or psoriasis?) on my back that itches bad and doctor' examined it, said excema then dumped me, tried 2 creams neither work. Right eye VERY bad, hurts, tried eye gel = doesn't help except few seconds first put it in but so blurry can't see properly. Back & neck awful, twitches mostly right knee, still BAD pain from when fell on stairs and all weight (just caught myself) right arm/shoulder = doctor 'examined' but not properly and said 'haematoma' = WHAT'S THE POINT? Been neglected for SO long, feel absolute rubbish, exhausted, stressed. Terrified of having no car, fall to bits when look at complicated pages of text now, did it last time in public, crying like a kid: SO embarrassing. But STILL nobody believes what I tell them.

Was paranoid (2008?) that docs would break into my home and nick my diaries and evidence. After was paranoid was being watched. DWP doctor was told just PTSD so only asked me questions, fire alarm etc. It's obvious I don't matter, people who used to care about me don't give a toss how bad I'm feeling. Keep being told to 'go into psych ward' but HATE HATE it and worse there then dumped and WORSE after than before I went and so much stuff to sort out ALONE coz was in.

Something going on moro wanted to go to but starts 2.30pm and far, tried look route = hard. I'll be tired by then then there'll be people there (LOVE chatting/meeting new people) but then I'll get really exhausted and have to drive home. Last time (xmas day) had to stop talking/leave and get home, I HATE how I am. So many things I WANT to do but must choose carefully and afraid coz only drive when know OK to and had no accidents, want to keep it that way. But hardly go out coz the stress and overload means so much more tired. Vision worse, can feel it when overload/stress hits. KEEP saying this but apparently 'not knocked on right door' = but ALL docs, hospitals, social services, councils, police = ALL should be right door, use ANY entrance of those and get RIGHT help, access ALL areas from EACH of them. But not for me apparently. So I just muddle on best I can, hide when bad (unless get caught out in public like today supermarket and friend mentioned car = started crying coz already overload with the shop/ping.

Can't really talk today, since afternoon, get days like that. Others have heard this now I KNOW they have. SICK of being not believed and what I say/do changed when docs write it, now not even allowed to SEE/CHECK let alone correct errors and my memory worse so often not sure.

Legal case failed though so NO insurers after me. Had cost adjuster in my home when made claim kitchen and insurers messed up, big palava: had to get whole floor re-done coz their bloke did it SO badly and replacea washing machine that worked fine and I preferred to new one.

So I just hide, give up coz no point trying to get normal doctor care everyone else gets. No point seeing any more: it hurts way too bad. Why does it still hurt? my son bleated (not seen him for over a year: has broken my heart) = derr: coz I'm HUMAN of course. Yes, you get usedto being treated really bad but it still HURTS every time. But give up expecting better: over 9 years now.POINTLESS. No wonder I hate myself,feel useless failure. Maybe only I (ME) knows how hard I try with everything, STILL? Hurt in loads of places, take tab, try sleep, then hate waking up and getting up = another day alone of struggle or force myself out,get too tired, come back, can't rest coz of stress = downward spiral = must be WANTED or somebody somewhere would stop laughing while they're neglecting me /being nasty and DO THE RIGHT THING. But no hope left, WAY WAY too long.

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