anyone used any of the travel insurance companies suggested by Headway? I tried one but they didn't recognise post concussion syndrome so not inspiring even though they will cover me. anyone recommend a good travel insurance co for people with bruised and shaken brain which now refuses to function as it did?
urgent request Travel insurance : anyone used any of... - Headway
urgent request Travel insurance
We use these guys for my husband who has just about every brain injury related condition going!
Good luck!
C x
I use Able2 travel, ring them and they'll tell you if they can cover you xxx
I used InsureandGo. But I did not tell them about my brain injury! I suppose I should have!
Never mentioned my TBI. I always work on the fact that 'I forgot about it.' Good Luck Tortie
You do know that if you withhold a medical issue your insurance becomes invalid? Which basically means you might as well travel without any, which would be barmy!!!
Just sayin...
Staysure. We used them for our daughters who has a brain tumour.
I agree with the above posts BTW - never withhold information as your insurance would be void - even if you needed to claim for something such as a broken ankle and nothing to do with your B.I.
Hi Tortie,
Thank you for your question. Insurance companies do draw on a set list of 'conditions', and because post-concussion syndrome is sometimes not yet recognised as a condition in its own right, situations like this can arise.
The important thing is that they make a judgment to insure you based on all of the available information. So, if you have told them your condition and described its effects to them they may well be happy to go ahead and insure you.
Because the insurance company itself doesn't provide medical treatment (they simply agree to pay for it if the need arises), their failure to recognise PCS isn't in itself a problem - the fact they accept your cover based on the full declarations you make is the main thing. It sounds like you have got to this stage and have declared everything, which as others have said is vital.
We do always suggest getting three or four quotes as prices and the level of cover varies between providers, so the recommendations of our members above and the list on our factsheet should help:
If you have any concerns whatsoever it's always worth another call to their customer service team, just for reassurance.
Best wishes,