hey all, so I posted about this probably more than a year ago. So for context I was assaulted punched repeatedly in the head and have been left dead in my left ear, at the time I was forgetful and struggled to say the most basic words and went a saw a neurologist who actually pointed me here.
I was told I had a mild TBI and that things would gradually improve. Moved on to other doctors and things and got sorted for hearing aids (another source of depression).
So the assault was 2023 and I’m here today still struggling with migraines, can’t remember words and struggle to communicate when talking to anyone. I still go to work although I work in an office 2 days a week minimum and do what I can from home the other days. My real issue is the constant headaches and feeling like an idiot for not being able to hold a conversation without me forgetting what I want to say.
Depression side I joined a group called andys man club which supports me and helps me but I still feel useless and really just want to know if this will ever sort itself out? I struggle to complete basic tasks and just randomly cry out of nowhere. I have an upcoming court date and when I say upcoming it’s currently Jan 2026.
I’m booked to see a neurologist on the 11th March but I’m just struggling so much at the moment.
Sorry for the ramble and if you’ve made it this far thank you.