GF shop bought mustard - Which brands? - Gluten Free Guerr...

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GF shop bought mustard - Which brands?

MMaud profile image
9 Replies

Hi there.

I have been GF since the end of March and generally feeling well on it.

As I had been following a low carb lifestyle for over 3 years prior to this, I had already cut a load of heavy gluten foods, so have found shop bought condiments and sauces the biggest challenges. I never ate loads of these things, but sometimes they are convenient.

I watch out for Mustard Flour in ingredients, like a hawk, and have mainly made lots of condiments from scratch. My fridge has a decent array of Kilner jars in there these days!

Does anyone know of a reliable brand of mustard that is GF? I'm a bit of a sucker for mustard, but just feel a bit unsure of what I'm doing with it.

Many thanks.

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MMaud profile image
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9 Replies
Penel profile image

We use Maille whole grain mustard. Mustard is naturally gluten free and mustard flour is just ground up mustard seeds.

You need to watch out for additives like wheat flour in the powdered mustards and avoid any brands made with non gf vinegar, usually malt.

MMaud profile image
MMaud in reply to Penel

Thanks, Penel. That's the sort of approach I've been using.

Kim1950 profile image

Hi MMaud,

I too am a mustard lover and I have found two brands of English Mustard that do not contain wheat. Which is surprising/sad as there are so many brands out there.

My favourite is Duers, they are the people that make the jam and marmalade. I can often find this in ASDA, but not always. The price ranges from about 60p to £1 a jar in ASDA, weird pricing policy!

The other one is Waitrose Essential English mustard at 66p, this is very nice as well and I usually end up buying ten jars a time as the nearest Waitrose is a bit of a hike from where I live.

Most Dijon mustard does not contain wheat, but watch out for some cheap brands which do.

It is all back to the Coeliac's favourite pastime. Reading labels. Even when you have found a gluten free product and are happy with it they can suddenly change the recipe and put wheat in it. Mainly because wheat is cheaper than the other ingredients and the manufacturer is looking to improve their profit margin. Mind you, I have seen an increase in the use of modified maize starch which could mean they're listening!

Venetia profile image

that was helpful, I too like mustard and inevitably find we are just not let off the hook from label reading, or is there a scanner app now ?

MMaud profile image
MMaud in reply to Venetia

Funny you should ask that last question, Venetia. From reading another post this morning, I have downloaded an app called Scan Gluten. There is a free version, and the full one is £3.99.

I downloaded the free version to try, so have been scanning the larder. Thus far, it seems the brands are in there, but the supermarket's own labels aren't there. I imagine they may be in the full version, but that is pure speculation.

Thus far, the French's Yellow Mustard from the cupboard is also GF.

I doubt even if it is very accurate, I can't imagine I'd stop reading labels, but if it works, I'll be happy.

Olliebeak1951 profile image
Olliebeak1951 in reply to Venetia

If you're a member of Coeliac UK, you get access to their App. Can be used in some supermarkets whilst shopping by scanning the barcodes. If that doesn't work, you can just input the barcode numbers manually. PLUS, I never go shopping without my trusty 'Eat Well/Live Well' shoppers guide.

MMaud profile image
MMaud in reply to Olliebeak1951

Thanks Olliebeak1951.

I'm not a member of the Coeliac UK, so no related app for me. As there seemed to be several in the App store, I thought people might have experience of a few, but it seems quite limited, which is a shame. That said; I have managed fairly well without, having had a good start on the game by low-carbing for some years before the requirement to shun gluten.

Venetia profile image

thanks , MMaud, I will try it

MMaud profile image
MMaud in reply to Venetia

Actually, in the post I picked up Scan Gluten, there was another app named too, but I missed it.

The Apple app store seems to have several GF apps, including the Coeliac Society, so there seem to be several out there. How good they are is, of course, a different matter, probably.

The topic could be worth a post of it's won. I think I'll do that now. Let's see what we learn. :o)

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