Hi all, on top of all my other issues I was told yesterday that I have narrow angles. My IOP was also fairly high at about 23, 25. A few weeks ago it was about 21,22.Anyway, I've been referred and have been googling solidly since being told. It looks like the wait will be around 20-49 weeks and among things to look out for are severe pain, vomiting etc in the event of it becoming an emergency. However, I'm a lifelong migraine sufferer and although they are largely under control thanks to monthly injections, I still have the odd one, though much milder, and honestly all my migraines involve excruciating pain in usually one eye, sensitivity to light, lots of vomiting 🤢 and pain in my face and sometimes in my head. I've been hospitalised three times and no one has ever mentioned my eyes. How would I know the difference between a migraine and an acute angle closure attack?
Narrow angles : Hi all, on top of all my other... - Glaucoma UK
Narrow angles

This is a difficult one to answer. Halo's or Aura's around lights are also a possible warning sign.
I would not just assume it is migraine attack and would encourage you to act upon it and go to the A & E. It may be a wasted journey BUT I would rather advise you to this than leave it.
If your angles narrow, or close, or partially close your eye pressure will rise and continue to rise without medical intervention, but there are signs.They do mention significant pain as a sign but I've had my eye pressures above 50 and was not in pain. I have learned a few things though. When pressure hits mid 30s you'll start seeing multi coloured halos around point light sources. The higher the pressure the more defined the halos are. Once pressure gets into the 40s, vision start to becomes misty, like being in a thick fog. The numbers that this happens at can vary from person to person.
There can be other mundane reasons for halos and misty vision though. For example, dry eye can cause similar vision issues. I've also had a few migraines with aura, and that also looks quite different from visual disturbances due to high eye pressure.
Try not to worry because I do believe this can make things worse. The initial treatment to help protect angle closure is an iridotomy, a simple procedure carried out by laser. I had one of mine done privately and if I remember correctly cost about £600 several years ago. In the meantime I'd make sure to avoid medications that can make the problem worse, such as some nerve drugs, antidepressants and some over-the-counter drugs such as decongestants and cold remedies.
Hi, thank you for your replies. I asked the optician today if the angles were very narrow or just a bit - she said that would be determined at the appointment as they have more accurate kit. So I think you're right; I should just stop thinking about it until I have the appointment. Optician might even be wrong 🤞 although... I'm already thinking about getting my colleague to do my pressures again tomorrow🙄
Had them checked again by the other optician and they're grade 1. Pressure ranging 19 21, 23, 25.
Get 2nd opinion if can