does taking monoprost eye drops give you headaches has it does for me
eye drops: does taking monoprost eye drops... - Glaucoma UK
eye drops

Hello, I take one drop of Monopost in each eye in the evening and have not noticed any side effects so far. I also use Cosopt, twice a day in both eyes.
Hi! I have one drop of Monopost in each eye at night, eyes are a bit red and sore for a few hours after, if I wake up. Often wake up with a headache which clears after I move around and have a coffee. Not sure if it’s related to the Monopost drops, but as it’s keeping the pressures stable and low, feel it’s worth it!! Have a stuffed up nose most mornings so could be sinus related too.
Hello, I try to use my Monopost about an hour before going to bed, then I usually put in some Theoloz Duo dry eye drops (the gel one if possible, otherwise the ordinary/daytime ones). I use these just before getting into bed as the gel type drops make my eyes rather blurry. I wonder if using a dry eye drop might help your red and sore eyes? Monopost doesn’t usually sting my eyes, but the Cosopt can be very uncomfortable for several seconds, especially if I’ve used too much!
Hi - I have Monopost drops and no problem with them other than occasional redness on skin round eyes.
I have a lot of headaches, I wake up with one most days, I hadn’t associated it with Monopost, but after reading your post I’ve realised the headaches started after I was put on monopost a year ago. I have my appointment at the eye clinic on Monday so will ask about it then.
Yes, I often wake up with what I’ve thought is really painful sinus pain over one brow. I too become very catarrh”y” while I sleep. I’d put it down to down pillows but I didn’t have any of this before using Monopost. Also, just wondering if it affects weight. For 78 years I’ve maintained the same weight, but it’s now slowly creeping up, with no changes to my diet or lifestyle.
Yes my headache is over my eye and feels like sinus, I’ve also developed an irritating cough. I will definitely be asking about it at my appointment on Monday
That’s so weird! I too have a cough, particularly at lunch time, when I eat, but often for a few hours after. The Pharmacist told me that the nasal drip (catarrh), cough, and sinus could all be caused by silent gastric reflux, but when one cannot get a GP appointment, I don’t know. But I had none of this before Monopost and self-remedies like antihistamines and Gavascon, haven’t made any difference. It’s crazy trying to work it all out myself!

Headaches are listed as a potential side effect, that can affect up to 1 in 100 people. If you are not doing so already, after you use your eye drops, close your eye and gently place your finger on the tear duct for up to a minute. This keeps the drop contained to the eye, and stops it from getting down the throat into the bloodstream. This can help to alleviate the severity of the headaches. If this is ongoing and you cannot manage the side effects, please call the eye secretary as they can speak to your consultant on your behalf about a change of eye drops.
I get near constant headaches and migraines, I use Monopost, Trusopt and Brimonidine drops. I don’t know if there’s any link. However I normally get the pain on the right side and I only use the drops in the left eye.
I was originally on Fixaprost but was taken off them because I had side effects. They were tight chest, breathlessness, dizziness (fell over a few times), headaches and insomnia. I was put on Monoprost and at my last Opthalmologist appointment I informed him that I was still having the dizziness and headaches etc and he basically said that as long as my breathing was OK, I would be fine, that it would settle down. It hasn't. I am due to see him in a couple of weeks but in the meantime I have had some blood tests at the GP to rule out any other problems. I could put up with the headaches but the dizziness means I pretty much do.nothing now, whereas I was very active before. Even going upstairs makes me dizzy!