Until: allergic reactions, my voice; under attack. Fungus, began growing everywhere on my body. Thrush, pneumonia, coughs, asthma attacks, allergic to everything. The doctors say," it's not fungus, we can't grow it." (I could)! Years of ER visits. Diseases were triggered. Open wounds all over my body.. no longer breathing normal... antibiotics, steroids, bronchial infection... blood clots are being coughed up. The doctors want to still run test after years of proof. Aspergillus, Candida overgrowth. I am hip to you now. Fighting for my life; and voice! Here we go....
I used to sing around the world..1st ... - Aspergillosis and...
I used to sing around the world..1st Post

Good for you, fight hard! Is your environment clean? It sounds like you may have a water damage or mold lurking somewhere. Find it and remediate entirely or you'll never rid your body of it xx
I have a fourteen room house and the search is endless. I cant afford to move right now and trying to sell but it is not so easy and this is where I must lay my head. I also have a landscape biz and there is exposure there as well. I wear mask but there is always the skin absorption. I live in a fungal region of Ohio which is constantly moist and polluted air.
If there's mold in your house it won't matter what you do, it will continue to affect you now you're already sensitized. Your immune system is smart and sending you signals to avoid. I understand what you're saying about finances, but simply, if you die you can't take it with you when you go and nothing material matters if you don't have your health. I lost everything, speaking from experience, you can start again by The grace of God.
Wear a mask at work if the air quality is bad and you're handing things like molds, fungi, chemicals, even if it's only a charcoal filter rather than a respirator.
Drs are often stupid and unfeeling. They stop studying and rest in their over inflated laurels and they grow hardened over time not wanting to truly absorb the horror they're faced with daily. That means they're human, but that's nothing to do with your skin color. I only say this so you don't add to your woes with unnecessary offense. I very much would like to know you're in a clean environment and growing in strength. Hope to meet you in Heaven some day! Much love x
If you can't find the cause then prepare your body for battle. Strengthen your immune system large & get natural sunshine on your skin safely for a few mins a day. Use the b12 spray to lift your spirit. Once your body is tip top see what your bloods read. What drugs are you on if any...e.g. topiramate is a menace for fungal infections. Hypothyroidism is common & makes keeping candida balance at beneficial levels often becoming pathogenic. amazon.co.uk/Blackcurrant-A...

Fungal infection is probably the rarest option that doctors will think through when faced with a patient coughing up mucus & blood, so they will consider bacterial or viral infection first, which is perfectly correct. Bacteria can also be resistant to several antibiotics so even if they have treated you with one or more this can still be a bacterial infection.
It sounds like your doctors have tested your sputum for fungi and found none, a result which leads them quite rightly to try other strategies first. Other tests might include a total IgE test to rule out allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). If they have looked and found no signs of fungal infection then this is most likely not a fungal infection, however, if there is no improvement after several rounds of antibiotics it might be time to think again as the diagnostics for fungal infection are not 100% accurate.
Certainly, we have found that asthma that is getting gradually worse despite antibiotic and steroid treatment is often sensitive to fungal allergens. Routine tests are described here aspergillus.org.uk/content/...
IgE, skin-prick tests and sputum
ABPA is worth ruling out too aspergillus.org.uk/content/...
It is also worth pointing out that Tuberculosis can develop into another form of aspergillosis, again it is worth checking if a case of Tb is resistant to antibiotics.