Hi--I've never posted before, but have been encouraged by many of your posts. In Jan., I had a kidney removed because of a tumor that turned out to be a urothelial carcinoma (more typically a bladder cancer). The doctors felt chemo would be too hard on my remaining kidney. At my quarterly check-up, I had new tumors developing in my bladder and on my prostate. I had one BCG treatment, but my surgeon felt that my best chances for a cure would be surgically. On Aug. 2, I am having surgery to remove my bladder, prostate and a few other "bits". After that, I will have a urostomy. I feel this is the right course for me and am feeling very positive about it. Again, thanks for all of your posts. It is nice to know others have gone through all of this and are doing well!
New to group: Hi--I've never posted... - Fight Bladder Cancer
New to group

Wishing you well with your op keep positive
Sending my best wishes,hope all goes well for you.
Wishing you the best of luck Jim47. Your future is bright as you are in very good hands...your doctors & surgeons are very experienced in this field 👍 Onwards n Upwards
I didn't have a prostatectomy, but then I'm a girl! I did however have my bladder removed 6 years ago along with many lymph nodes in the lower abdomen and have a urostomy which has worked out very well indeed. Although it takes a little getting used to, it very soon becomes second nature and for us girls at least, it has distinct advantages ... e.g. you pee standing up. And anywhere discreet, too. Very useful in my case as I help judge horse riding competitions which often happen out in the fields, so instead of walking half a mile to the ladies' room I can just go behind a bush! Your surgery is pretty radical so you'll need time to recover, but trust me - that's by far the best way to go. BCG treatments are horrible: I had them for about 3 years. Good luck on August 2nd and let us know how you're doing. Sz
Very encouraging--and I'm glad to see you have been able to keep your sense of humor! Thanks!
Oh, yes, Jim - a sense of humour is what has kept me going through that plus breast cancer and being carer to my mother who passed away after 9 months with terminal lung cancer. All within a couple or three years of each other, too.
It's amazing what humor can do. Have a look at this, which recounts some of my experiences - let me know if you want it and I'll send you a PDF for free. (Would need your email address.) howtowritebetter.net/how-to...
Good luck. My husband had his bladder and prostrate removed in May. Back to his active self now. And we have a summer to enjoy without hospital appointment and no more invasive checks. Keep your positive frame of mind and you will be half way there.
Being positive is the right way to go, you have been through a lot. Thinking and praying for you.
Hi jim47,good luck with your op.stay strong and positive,keep in touch with us.
sending my best wishes.
Thank you all for you words of encouragement and support. I'll let you know how it goes. I have spoken with another guy in my town who went through the same thing a few months ago. He is doing great--and I will too!
hope all goes well for you keep in touch my husband had bladder and prostate rem 2014 he has urosotomy
Hi jim47. your post sound identical to what i had 6 years ago. first in 2010 right kidney removal. then in 2011 23 tumours found in my bladder. so out with the bladder prostate and 6 years later i am still here. you will find there are ups and DOWNS. just keep positive.. all the best for the 2 AUG.
Wow--thanks for writing.. Your situation and mine sound about the most similar I've heard--and your cancer sounds like it was equally aggressive. You don't know how good it is to hear about your success. Thank you so much for writing!
The 47 in Jim47 actually refers to the year I was born--so I am 69, but that is pretty close to 64. Thanks for the encouragement.